Technical Ignition coil

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Technical Ignition coil


New member
Jun 14, 2018
Hello All.

I converted my 500f to electronic ignition last year and had nothing but problems with it so I have converted it back to standard in the spring. It would work fine for a bit then start going wrong and breaking down on the electronic ignition.
When I had the electronic ignition in I couldn’t get it to work right so I spoke to accuspark the manufacturer of the parts, they said to put on of their coils on so I did but to no avail.
Does anyone know if the accuspark coil will be ok with the standard ignition with a condenser or will it have to be a standard coil?

Thanks for your time.

Many thanks

Hi Tim, if the coil is around 3ohm on the primary coil then all good. If it's at 1.5ohm then you may need a resistor to make it work correctly.

Do you have a multimeter to measure the coil ? If not, post a picture or link of the coil and we'll take it from there.

Hi Tim, if the coil is around 3ohm on the primary coil then all good. If it's at 1.5ohm then you may need a resistor to make it work correctly.

Do you have a multimeter to measure the coil ? If not, post a picture or link of the coil and we'll take it from there.


Hi Rob.

Thanks for your quick reply. I do have a multi meter which terminals do I test it across?
I will get a picture of the coil I have on and send it across as well.

Many thanks

Hi, for primary you test the plus and the negative. Handy link ;-) :


Hi Rob.

Cheers for that I wasn’t sure if it was across live and the middle terminal.
I’ve tested it and it started off a 3 but then went down 1.5 as more stable and constant reading. IMG_1243.JPG


Hi Tim, would suggest you try again but remove the wires for an accurate reading, or at least one of them, so no circuit.
Looking at their web site, the only red coil is a 3ohm unit. So if this is the case, it will work fine with starndard coil / points.

However, the reading should be stable around 3ohm give or take a little bit. If its dropping down to 1.5 then it won't be suitable without an additional resistor in line to increase the resistance.
However, the reading should be stable around 3ohm give or take a little bit. If its dropping down to 1.5 then it won't be suitable without an additional resistor in line to increase the resistance.

I think I will just get a new coil as it started great and then cut out the other day. For the sake of a tenner or so.

Thanks for all your help Rob.
No prob, better safe than sorry.

Look at the dry coils, dry resin etc. I think a better bet than oil filled.

I use a Bosch 'blue' coil with my 'Powerspark' ignition(same system,just different make as the Accuspark)--no problems with it.
Hi I have a Fiat 500 R and I try to install accuspark. I follow instructions take off everything (condenser, points,..) put red wire + black wire - rotor in place but nothing happens my coil is 4.1 ohm static and I notice that the wire from the key color azzuro on the diagram goes to minus - of the coil is it correct? any suggestions? I also play a little bit with the advance position still nothing. When I put back points starts immediately.
Thank you very much.
Hi I have a Fiat 500 R and I try to install accuspark. I follow instructions take off everything (condenser, points,..) put red wire + black wire - rotor in place but nothing happens my coil is 4.1 ohm static and I notice that the wire from the key color azzuro on the diagram goes to minus - of the coil is it correct? any suggestions? I also play a little bit with the advance position still nothing. When I put back points starts immediately.
Thank you very much.

I’ll have a look at mine later although I’m sure someone will answer by then. With a standard points ignition the distributor will function (but not well) even if the wiring is reversed on the coil. The electronic ones are not as forgiving and won’t run at all. This is exactly what happened to me when I added an electronic ignition. Once I had the wiring correct it started right up and runs great.
If I change the azzuro cable to plus + with points it does not fire at all when I put back to minus - it start immediately.
If I change the azzuro cable to plus + with points it does not fire at all when I put back to minus - it start immediately.

Pale blue (azurro?) is to the + terminal.

The coil should be 3.0 your reading correct?

When the rotor is pointing directly at one of the HT terminals in the cap, the green LED should be on. You achieve this by turning the 123 body until it does.

It should start and then further adjustments should be done only by using a strobe against the timing marks.
Pale blue (azurro?) is to the + terminal.

The coil should be 3.0 your reading correct?

When the rotor is pointing directly at one of the HT terminals in the cap, the green LED should be on. You achieve this by turning the 123 body until it does.

It should start and then further adjustments should be done only by using a strobe against the timing marks.

I don't have 123 ignition I have accuspark and the pale cable goes to minus -, if I put on plus the points don't work I have try the pale blue wire with accuspark on plus red ion plus and black on minus but it didn't work.