Technical High Coolant Temperature warning light came on Whilst Driving :(

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Technical High Coolant Temperature warning light came on Whilst Driving :(


New member
Aug 18, 2020
Hi Everyone,

I am new here, I have 2012 Fiat Lounge (US) version. I bought it in April as I am stuck in LA due to COVID (I'm a Brit).

Well I love my little car, but today sadly, I was driving in LA (current temp outside is 104) so it was HOT!! and the light came on and the car stop driving and told me to turn off the engine, so I did!

Well I went bought some coolant and put in the reservoir (which did look low) waited a bit and then drove it home, about 10 mins away. Well after about 7 mins, it came on again :(. Anyway she got me home and I jumped on here.

I guess I am gonna spend some cash on her that I don't have :( or just drive at night haha!

Any advice appreciated! I was thinking maybe put some coolant directly in the radiator???
If the car is over-heating then it either doesn't have enough coolant, or the coolant isn't being cooled and circulated enough.

With a cold system (e.g. first thing in the morning...) check the fluid level in the radiator. It should be at the "MAX" mark on the tube moulded to the radiator. If it's not, fill it up to MAX with a 50% water/antifreeze mixture (unless your coolant is marked "ready to use", in which case use it as it comes out of the container).

When the level is at MAX, check that there is no air in the radiator. There should be a bleed screw on the back of the radiator... usually on the back of the radiator panel, at the top and on the left (as you look at it). If you unscrew it a few turns .. very slowly... you should get air or coolant coming out. When coolant comes out, re-tighten it.

Don't unscrew the screw so far that it comes out altogether, otherwise you'll get coolant pissing out everywhere Ahhhh Ahhhh and it's impossible to get the screw back in while that's flooding out. It's a comedy moment... but best to avoid. Just be patient with the screw.. don't try to speed things up by turning it out too far.. let the air hiss out, if any.. and when coolant eventually comes out, tighten it up again.

Refill the level to MAX, especially if you lost a lot of fluid or a load of air came out.

Then take the beast for a drive and see whether it overheats again. If it gets too hot.. turn the heater to MAX and the fan on full-chat. If that reduces the temperature slightly then you could have a dodgy water pump, or a clogged up radiator. Is the coolant a nice clean pink (or blue) or is it plain water, or filled with rusty liquid?

After the drive, let everything cool down completely and then when it's cold (next morning) repeat the check of the coolant level and check whether there is any air in the radiator. If you keep getting air in the radiator, then it could have a head gasket problem (was the car super-cheap when you bought it?).

If you had to fill the header tank, it sounds like it's losing fluid.. so there could be a physical leak (is the bottom of the radiator, or the pipe across the front of the engine, if yours is a 1.2, wet?) Otherwise, is the exhaust "steamy"? The coolant is going somewhere.. so you need to know where, since it's probably related to the problem.

Ralf S.
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Hi Everyone,

I am new here, I have 2012 Fiat Lounge (US) version. I bought it in April as I am stuck in LA due to COVID (I'm a Brit).

Well I love my little car, but today sadly, I was driving in LA (current temp outside is 104) so it was HOT!!

Any advice appreciated! I was thinking maybe put some coolant directly in the radiator???

Hi and welcome :)

If the level has been low for a while.. it can get an 'airlock'..

You really want to see where to coolant has gone though

Your US 500 isnt quite the same as the uk types.. modern 1.4 engine .. but generally FIAT tech doesnt tend to change much :)

Search out behind the motor.. looking for black hoses with small twisty caps on them..these are to bleed air from the heater
I will add info ;)

1st though.. park up ..where safe.. and have a look around the front bumper.. blastic bag..or other junk blocking half the radiator wont help..
Also.. did you hear the cooling fan whirring.. if that has you need to get it checked..

Leaks might be obvious..

Another thing..

Take off the oil filler of engine

Wipe it clean.. might be a bit black: oily

You want to keep a look out for it having white creamy 'mayonnaise'.. thats NOT good

Do let us know what you find :)

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The plastic thermostat housing is known to give issues on the 1.2 here not sure if its the same version over there to cause leaks?

'Modern 1.4 engine '

Its a multiair ;)

Im guessing its got an inop. Cooling fan.. and its spat out coolant stuck in traffic

Time will tell..
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Hi Charlie,

Thanks for your kind reply and advice, the fan did come on, there doesn't seem to be anything blocking or any leaks... I will just keep an eye on it and not go out in the middle of day unless I have to.... I will run it later in the carpark when its cooler and check it out. Its only 94 deg F here today - lol

If the car is over-heating then it either doesn't have enough coolant, or the coolant isn't being cooled and circulated enough.

With a cold system (e.g. first thing in the morning...) check the fluid level in the radiator. It should be at the "MAX" mark on the tube moulded to the radiator. If it's not, fill it up to MAX with a 50% water/antifreeze mixture (unless your coolant is marked "ready to use", in which case use it as it comes out of the container).

When the level is at MAX, check that there is no air in the radiator. There should be a bleed screw on the back of the radiator... usually on the back of the radiator panel, at the top and on the left (as you look at it). If you unscrew it a few turns .. very slowly... you should get air or coolant coming out. When coolant comes out, re-tighten it.

Don't unscrew the screw so far that it comes out altogether, otherwise you'll get coolant pissing out everywhere Ahhhh Ahhhh and it's impossible to get the screw back in while that's flooding out. It's a comedy moment... but best to avoid. Just be patient with the screw.. don't try to speed things up by turning it out too far.. let the air hiss out, if any.. and when coolant eventually comes out, tighten it up again.

Refill the level to MAX, especially if you lost a lot of fluid or a load of air came out.

Then take the beast for a drive and see whether it overheats again. If it gets too hot.. turn the heater to MAX and the fan on full-chat. If that reduces the temperature slightly then you could have a dodgy water pump, or a clogged up radiator. Is the coolant a nice clean pink (or blue) or is it plain water, or filled with rusty liquid?

After the drive, let everything cool down completely and then when it's cold (next morning) repeat the check of the coolant level and check whether there is any air in the radiator. If you keep getting air in the radiator, then it could have a head gasket problem (was the car super-cheap when you bought it?).

If you had to fill the header tank, it sounds like it's losing fluid.. so there could be a physical leak (is the bottom of the radiator, or the pipe across the front of the engine, if yours is a 1.2, wet?) Otherwise, is the exhaust "steamy"? The coolant is going somewhere.. so you need to know where, since it's probably related to the problem.

Ralf S.
Hi Ralf S,

Thanks so much for your comprehensive advice!

I paid a reasonable price here for the car around $3k and 141k miles on the clock so she has some miles on her (not unusual here at all) she had good service history, and recently had an oil change (they are really big on that here). She's been running great, up to now, I do think the coolant level was low... I will check where the level is today again, I bought premixed antifreeze/coolant.. Do I unscrew the radiator cap whilst the Engine running or not?? I'm not sure if I am up to that to be honest... LOL Well I have a look at her bit later when its cooler, thank you so much for your advice, I really appreciate it.
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Okay so went out and ran her for 10 mins, in the parking lot and the warning light came on checked all around the hoses etc, couldn't find leaks however when I moved her back into the space, on the ground there was a fresh puddle a mix of coolant and oil I guess... so yeah's a leak somewhere, I will take her to a garage a friend's recommended me one.. :(

Thanks guys"!
Okay so have been freaking out slightly when reading about oil and coolant mixed together equals blown gasket :( so I checked my oil and plz see attach pic does the oil look ok? (Praying now)


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No they aren't that common, but you do see them, minis are a dime a dozen here btw, also lots of range rovers lol
Okay so have been freaking out slightly when reading about oil and coolant mixed together equals blown gasket :( so I checked my oil and plz see attach pic does the oil look ok? (Praying now)

Hi again :)

Thanks for the pics.. that looks Ok to me

The INSIDE of the black cap .. being the 'lid' on the engine will act like the lid on a cooking pot
Attracting any 'steam' given off by the engines internals

This should be minimal..only OIL within the engine ;)

The water: coolant is in a sealed jacket around the outside.. they shouldnt mix

IF they mix.. its just like mayonnaise
Yellowy white 'cream'

You would soon know if there was lots of that... :yuk:

Your puddle on the ground is hopefully something cheap and simple..

But.. the aircon condensate can also dump clean water under the motor.. it normal in hot weather

Hoping the garage does the job for you :)

'Tomorrow' Im guessing..( 7am here in the Welsh valleys )
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The oil cap looks immaculate.. and in any case, you mentioned liquid on the ground. If it has a sickly sweet smell, like your coolant... (i.e. make sure it's not just air conditioner condensation) then it's probably a leaky radiator or thermostat housing, as has been described.

Don't do any work/removing caps etc. on the cooling system if it's hot. The system is pressurized so can spray out near-boiling (potentially) coolant if you undo the cap or any bleed valves. If it's warm or almost cold, then you'll hear a "pffft" but even if it sprays out, it won't be hot hot.

Coolant is also the most toxic thing in your car, unless you have a One Direction CD in the glovebox... so don't drink it, touch it, lick your fingers etc. especially if it's spilt or dripped somewhere and you touch it. Sniffing/touching is okay.. it's ingesting it that does you damage.

Anyhow.. get under the car and look for a wet patch around the bottom of the radiator.. and also find that thermostat and see if it's wet. Coolant (even if it's leaked out and then dried in place) leaves behind a pinky-white residue, so you shouldn't see "wet" or "residue" anywhere. If it is, then that's probably the source of the leak.

If you're moving your car, use neat tap water in the cooling system for the time being... since it won't be there long and coolant is expensive, if it's just going to leak out... but when it's fixed, you must use the 50%/read-mixed coolant.

Ralf S.
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The oil cap looks immaculate.. and in any case, you mentioned liquid on the ground. If it has a sickly sweet smell, like your coolant... (i.e. make sure it's not just air conditioner condensation) then it's probably a leaky radiator or thermostat housing, as has been described.

Don't do any work/removing caps etc. on the cooling system if it's hot. The system is pressurized so can spray out near-boiling (potentially) coolant if you undo the cap or any bleed valves. If it's warm or almost cold, then you'll hear a "pffft" but even if it sprays out, it won't be hot hot.

Coolant is also the most toxic thing in your car, unless you have a One Direction CD in the glovebox... so don't drink it, touch it, lick your fingers etc. especially if it's spilt or dripped somewhere and you touch it. Sniffing/touching is okay.. it's ingesting it that does you damage.

Anyhow.. get under the car and look for a wet patch around the bottom of the radiator.. and also find that thermostat and see if it's wet. Coolant (even if it's leaked out and then dried in place) leaves behind a pinky-white residue, so you shouldn't see "wet" or "residue" anywhere. If it is, then that's probably the source of the leak.

If you're moving your car, use neat tap water in the cooling system for the time being... since it won't be there long and coolant is expensive, if it's just going to leak out... but when it's fixed, you must use the 50%/read-mixed coolant.

Ralf S.

Thanks Ralf!

I agree with you re coolant and One Direction heehee!

Good idea using tapwater for when I move the car... Im gonna go to a mechanic as I am pretty clueless about cars, but I know its definitely a leak now which is a big relief!
Hi again :)

Thanks for the pics.. that looks Ok to me

The INSIDE of the black cap .. being the 'lid' on the engine will act like the lid on a cooking pot
Attracting any 'steam' given off by the engines internals

This should be minimal..only OIL within the engine ;)

The water: coolant is in a sealed jacket around the outside.. they shouldnt mix

IF they mix.. its just like mayonnaise
Yellowy white 'cream'

You would soon know if there was lots of that... :yuk:

Your puddle on the ground is hopefully something cheap and simple..

But.. the aircon condensate can also dump clean water under the motor.. it normal in hot weather

Hoping the garage does the job for you :)

'Tomorrow' Im guessing..( 7am here in the Welsh valleys )

Thanks for yr reply Charlie and confirming the oil looks good! Phew!!

I will take it to a garage soon.

The Welsh valleys! My Dads Welsh! I miss the English countryside and believe it or not the weather! Its 11.00 am and its 84! Gonna be 95 today... aircon is a must here both in cars and houses! Sometimes when I get in the car its too hot to touch the metal clasp of the seatbelt!!

Well I will let u know what the mech guy says
