Technical Hard to explain !! ... Vibration/juddering

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Technical Hard to explain !! ... Vibration/juddering

May 3, 2009
Right ..
the past few days ive been noticing as i go to pull off, there is like a vibration under my car ... it feels like the engine is trying to push out something but its not cumin out .. or like a big vibration, its really wierd. i cant actually explain what it feels like because i know nothing about mechanics :/
butt if anyone recognises wht im trying to say .. then pleasee help me out :)
greatly apreciated
does it feel like it is pulling/dragging? if there is a lot of weight in the car then it will drag and vibrate a bit, although if the problem is coming from the engine bay (under the bonnet) it might be something else causing the vibration.
Is it only when the car is cold, when you first start it up or all the time? Is it the actual engine juddering as though about to cut out?

remember mine was doing this mate :( ..... it only done it for a while, and then it stopped, i just learnt to put more revs on it when i pull away... after a while, stopped doing it all together, its a common problem on punto mk2s i hear... just put more revs on and ignore it.... think its either something to do with the clutch or the flywheel, thats what i found out when researching, but a new clutch might now fix it, and fly wheel is expensive... so just put revs onit :) what i did
No it'll get worse over time. Cleaning the throttle body seems to cure it but then it comes back either weeks or months later so it obviously has to be linked but no one knows how to cure it permanantly
New ECU must be the only answer. All MK2s seem to have this fault. :(