Guess who I served tonight

Currently reading:
Guess who I served tonight

We watched him on 'hider in the house' the other day on childrens tv lol

Beth likes him, so if you see him again grab his autograph for her please (y) :D
I've seen him on TV quite recently presenting a programme (Channel 4?) and he doesn't look so "lil" any more. In fact he looked the tallest of all the people on this programme including all the adults? :confused:

Must be camera trickery. I'm not the tallest of people, but the top of his head was my sholder height. Didn't see if he has a pillow on his driver seat :p.

We watched him on 'hider in the house' the other day on childrens tv lol

Beth likes him, so if you see him again grab his autograph for her please (y) :D

Will do (y)


Try harder next time

:ROFLMAO: After I've got an autograph for Beth :)
I've worked in British television, read two newspapers a day and about 20 magazines a month, and I've clearly still managed to stay in a culture vaccum enough that I have NO IDEA who "Lil Chris" is. I'm confused.