Technical Got Mckritch type chip, and car fails to start...

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Technical Got Mckritch type chip, and car fails to start...

Jul 5, 2009
Beckton, London
A relay in the engine bay keeps clicking and the fuel pump keeps turning on and off in time with the relay. i am still using the immobilser... could this be conflicting? maybe the chip was designed to work without the immobiliser? it starts if i disconnect and reconnect battery but 2nd start always just ticks off and relay and fuel pump ticks...
should i Just remove the immobiliser unit in the dash to see if it helps??
i rather not remove it :(
I thought the Chip bypassed the immobiliser?

Have you tried replacing the chip with your old one and seeing whether it starts then?
I thought the Chip bypassed the immobiliser?

Have you tried replacing the chip with your old one and seeing whether it starts then?
Yeah i thought it does but i still need my code key. in the how to it says to remove the immobiliser unit to remove the immobiliser feature fully.
i don't really want to remove the chip... i've sealed the ECU back up again.
i'm going to try to remove the immob unit soon cos it prob is conflicting...
How about remove the chip? Aren't they the totally pointless ones which make your cars worse?

Not these ones. These were made by FiatForum member McKritch, specifically for the Seicento sporting (which is also the poverty-spec Punto engine). It's a proper map-on-a-chip that works for both the 55 and 60 8v mk1 engines, not an eBay special resistor mod.
I would remove the box and see what happens. if it cures your problem then just fit an aftermarket secret switch as an immobiliser.
P.S. since I own a '55s, I have the right to use the term 'poverty-spec'. It is considered rude to use this term if you own one of the more luxurious models.

As i own a 60s does that mean i cant use that term? If so then i would have to use the term "bread line spec". And if i ever get the elx cab then is that the "comfortably well off" spec.
Just find the wire from the ignition thats used for starting the engine and put a switch inline. Hide the switch out of sight and dont tell people its there.
Momanatorz, I think before you can solve your problem, you need to know which McKritch chip you have. Earlier models disabled the immobiliser, but due to popular demand, McKritch made a new one that works in tandem with the Fiat CODE immobilier. Since the map and immobiliser are so closely tied, it would be worth contacting McKritch, quoting any numbers written on the chip to work out which type it is, and why it is not working with your immobiliser. It may be something silly like having to move a jumper plug on the ECU or something.
the problem is the ECU is not properly reconnected.

unplug it, unplug the main relays, clean the contacts and reconnect the lot. Make sure you clean and reconnect the little earth wire off the loom to the ECU mount too.
All the immo can do is put the code light on if the chip is ok, so the fault looks to be in the new chip.

I'm fairly sure the maps in 55s and 60 etc are all different, so a modified chip for one type would not exactly be correct for another. There is immo off files for most models if you really wanted to go that way, but why dont you have the normal immo working, your sure it wont get nicked then.
Hmm, it mostly likely might be the chip. the only chip/relay i touched was the one i intended to replace. the guy suggested the chip is at fault aswell and is sending me a replacement tomorrow... it probably came accross a error when being flashed. i will clean up the earth that is on the ecu aswell though. but the problem only happens after reconnecting the battery, then after around 1 or 2 hours it doesn't fire up (relay keeps ticking)
thanks for the advice guys.
All the immo can do is put the code light on if the chip is ok, so the fault looks to be in the new chip.

I'm fairly sure the maps in 55s and 60 etc are all different, so a modified chip for one type would not exactly be correct for another. There is immo off files for most models if you really wanted to go that way, but why dont you have the normal immo working, your sure it wont get nicked then.

I'm just gonna be real careful where i park it :eek:
and have the secret switch ...