Go karting for kids

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Go karting for kids


Curse of the were-rabbit
Aug 28, 2005
I'm beginning to think my son has set me an impossible task. He has been asking me for the past few weeks, for when he turns 4 years old can he have a go at go karting. Sites i've found on the interent have a min age of 6 or 8. Found some for 4 years old but thats only as part of a birthday party.
Does anyone where he can go to have a go at karting at 4 years old that isn't part of a birthday party?
lol. I tried that idea but he didn't go for it. He said it's not a racing go-kart like on motor sport program he seen.
Thats not a kart! To be honest I think he's a bit young, and I can understand that you want him to try it before you buy one.

You need to maybe try some of the bigger kart centers (ie outdoor tracks). Maybe have a look on karting.co.uk for a bit more help.
I'm a regular "go-karter" and I didn't know there was a min age. Might be more of a height/size thing. I do know that, if they're under 10 they have to do like a 1 hour course and get a card at the end of it if they go elsewhere next time
Thats not a kart! To be honest I think he's a bit young, and I can understand that you want him to try it before you buy one.

He' always asking to have a go whenever he sees a kart. He loves driving his tractor around and loves it more if I push him along... with me running.

If he's inherited anything from me then he'll be a speed freak. I can give him the opportunity to have a go so might as well find out if he's into it or not.