Glueing plastic

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Glueing plastic

Dec 3, 2003
The land that time forgot
Has anyone found a reasonable solution to glueing plastic parts together?

Rasputin, the Younger Mrs. S' 500 has had an interesting previous life. I've spent a fair bit of time straightening, re-aligning and fixing some various incidents that have been badly repaired (DIY, I guess.. I don't think any proper body shop would be so clumsy as I've found).

One issue is the mount for the n/s driving lamp has become partly detached. It's normally "welded" to the bumper, then the lamp bolts into it.

I'm inclined to glue it together somehow, pending a proper repair (maybe an entirely new bumper.. the one that's there now seems older than the rest of the car and is quite tatty). What's the stickiest/best "glue" I can use for it? It's ABS so nothing will really stick to it for long, I know.. but until budget allows a better solution, it might do for the winter months.

Ralf .