Technical gearbox noise

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Technical gearbox noise

Feb 1, 2008
I'm getting what seems like gearbox noise in 1st and 2nd...sounds like a grating, 3rd has a bit of a whine but I think its always been like it.
kind of noise that's heard in the cabin but not outside.
My thoughts are that its the input shaft bearing that's on its way..
Has anyone had similar problems or know how difficult the bearings are to change?
Is it a bell housing out job again? Clutch and dmf was done 20k miles ago..and don't fancy droppong it again..
Yes, it's a gearbox-out job. It's on my to-do list, but I'm hoping to hold out until Spring and warmer weather.

Smurftipla has rebuilt his 'box and said that he replaced all the main bearings and seals for around £60; that seems a mighty bargain to me. Failing that, there's a trade seller on ebay doing bearing replacement kits for the JTD 'box (6 bearings and 3 oil seals - input and the two half shaft ones - in total I think) for about £145.
Well it looks pretty home from work late and went to try the multi out and it just sounds terrible! 4th wouldn't engage properly either and it felt like something had come adrift, a bit hard to explain...spoke to my mechanic friend and he mentioned driveshaft maybe too! And not to drive it any further incase of further damage!
I've seen the kit on ebay and know he's making a good mark up on them, but without identifying all the bearings there is no way of ordering it couldn't come at a worse time with christmas and everything shutting down!
Let's hope its not too expensive otherwise another good ugly bug could hit the scrap heap...