Well, I already kept that in mind, but hey, had been cool if it already existed.
And when something does not exist already, it maybe can created.
At the moment I am thinking about designing one for a Punto +12 (will fit Evo too I guess). The most important things I need for this, is to get all the signals (indicators, light-check light, engine light, etc.) the normal cluster also gets and a interface and piece of software, that accepts and read those signals. After that, the software has to display it the right way.
At the moment, there are a few programs (for Android, iOS, Windows, etc) on the market that provide already a lot of data dsiplaying from the OBD port (with a BT, USB or WiFi adapter). The ones I have seen, only show driving data, like speed, revs, boost, temps, etc. None of them also show like a dashboard, with indicators, engine check lights, etc. Can that even be done by the OBD2 port and if yes, what will happen if I disconnect the instrument cluster and drive "without" one (that is what the car will "think" if I replace it with a cluster that is connected thru the OBD2 port)?
Summed up:
- Can I read indicator status (like the lights on the dashboard) from the OBD2 port?
- Can I read other statusses (what can normaly be shown on the dash) from the OBD2 port?
- What will happen if the original cluster is unplugged?
Is there someone here already did a similar project, maybe on an other vehicle?