General Brake lights & speedometer

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General Brake lights & speedometer


New member
Jun 15, 2024
Hi guys sorry this might be a long post and I’m not exactly a car person but I’m trying aha.
So I have a 2013 fiat punto sporting multiair which LCD screen went a while ago & more recently all my brake lights have stopped working.
The LCD screen was more expensive to replace than just doing the whole speedometer. So.. I bought a Speedometer but it is a speedometer for a 2012 fiat punto MK3 1.4L. I’m hoping this should be ok for it since they’re so similar but if anyone has had experience in this and it reads speeds or fuel or temp wrong I would appreciate the passed on knowledge & I’ll just take it apart n put the LCD screen back into the old one! Was just trying to save myself a bit of time and I wanted to know what my general warning light was for!
So that all replaced my general warning light only comes on after I applied the breaks and it just says start & stop unavailable.

Now for the break lights..
So I replaced the bulbs you know the drill, had a bit of a tiff with the casing going back in and kinda put my hand through it.. didn’t do much damage but enough to need to buy a new casing. Before I bought the new casing (left rear) the lights still refused to come on. Once the new casing was secured the break lights worked again for about 25miles (with no general warning light before cutting out again with the light coming back on.
I’ve checked the fuse and that seems fine.
I’ve cleaned the connection points just incase but I wouldn’t say they needed it really. I’ve checked all the wiring in the back and it seems good condition, no wearing or concerning bends. However the old bulbs didn’t seem blown but the glass holding the two bits of metal on the inside was melted on both of them?
Has anyone else had an issue like this? Is there any way I can figure out the general warning light //im looking into getting a diagnostic reader as the one I got originally only reads engine faults//.
My next bet would be the break switch if not?

Thank you if you got this far! Just a 24 y/o trying to figure things out in the cost of living :)
Fiat punto

However the old bulbs didn’t seem blown but the glass holding the two bits of metal on the inside was melted on both of them?

It looks like it normally in my opinion. Glass is being formed in high temperature, it becomes very soft and plastic. The two straight wires that hold the tungstene spiral wire (which glows) are put when the glass is still liquid.

Is there any way I can figure out the general warning light //im looking into getting a diagnostic reader as the one I got originally only reads engine faults//.

I'd go for the MultiEcuScan with the appropriate interface. You can check on their website for what you need for your car. I know that people like the cable interface, but I think the bluetooth ones are more useful. I'm using the STN1170 adapter with my laptop and MultiEcuScan for more complex diagnosis while stationary and the same adapter with the Torque lite app on my android phone for quick error read / reset on the road.
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It looks like it normally in my opinion. Glass is being formed in high temperature, it becomes very soft and plastic. The two straight wires that hold the tungstene spiral wire (which glows) are put when the glass is still liquid.

I'd go for the MultiEcuScan with the appropriate interface. You can check on their website for what you need for your car. I know that people like the cable interface, but I think the bluetooth ones are more useful. I'm using the STN1170 adapter with my laptop and MultiEcuScan for more complex diagnosis while stationary and the same adapter with the Torque lite app on my android phone for quick error read / reset on the road.
Thank you so much :) I’ll jump on that now! Appreciate the help bud. Have a good day will give an update when I have it :)