General fix or scrap?

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General fix or scrap?


Sep 20, 2008
got stuck into stripping my panda after a year and a half of putting it off. The car didnt look in that bad a shape, considering its age.

Ive found quite alot more rust than I originally thought and after snapping the windscreen today trying to store it in the attic, im considering breaking whats left of it

As of today it looks like this

Heres some of the welding that needs attention :(



And the best bit :eek:

I have had a few ideas to combat all the problems but all require alot of work.

Do you guys think its even worth saving
LOVE the axe!
My panda is in about the same kind of shape, I'm saving mine but ill be taking over a year to do it!
It will not make money sense to do it, it boils down to love :D

If you love the car, have the time, pull out the welder and jobs a goodun , If you dont have the time or cant do the work, it may be time to pass it to some one who can, or go for bits to save another!
And if you do decide to break, let me know as there are some bits on it that I need to patch mine up!
Id happily come up there and chop off what I need (and of course pay!)

Consider it a "first dibs" :D
I actually bought a flipping welder on thursday before Id had her back outside to get a good look round her. So that has me between a rock and a hard place so to speak.

There are a few mechanical bits that will need sorted, and until I cut out the rotten rear sill bits I wont see properly if the suspension is about to drop out.

I really want to fix it up, but it would probably be more sensible to get another and use this for spares.
And if you do decide to break, let me know as there are some bits on it that I need to patch mine up!
Id happily come up there and chop off what I need (and of course pay!)

Consider it a "first dibs" :D

Stuatl got there before you, i think he first offered to buy it off me the week I bought it. Plus he has the benefit of being on the same island. (im guessing your on the mainland
I think im gona give it a try at least. Ive bought the welder and need to learn to weld one something. Atleast if i cock it up its not something expensive i will have ruined.

Luckily i work in a bodyshop so i will be pestering the metalworkers for info and maybe help. Plus my mate works in a roofing firm and can get me metal pieces to patch her with.

So for now the project is ongoing.
Sorry for the delay in reply, just back in the country. If the welding doesn't go to plan I'm still up for taking it off your hands.
Jim we could sort something between us if you want.

That reminds me, I better go look the lend of a trailer to see about lifting that French one in the South :confused:
So I dove in head first, the sills were rotten beside the suspension mounts so three layers had to be replaced.
this is how she looked yesterday morning :eek:

I thought it would be easier as with the quarter pannel out of the way :slayer:
And this is how she looks now, bit rough still, havent finished gringing down the welds before filler.


Oh and Ive finished the patch under the sill, but forgot to take a picture. Very light steel these fiats!

By Eck!!! :eek::eek::eek: I thought i'd cut a big hole in my y10 but thats more like opencast mining. Clearly you have waded in with no fear
Im actually starting to enjoy cuting holes in her. Got all the major rust cut out now. And ive started to make templates to make thr patches. Just gota findsome steel sheets from somewhere.

Heres my new air conditioning ducts.


And heres the hole where thr rot was on drivers side, thankfully not as bad as passenger side was.

This site always makes me happy!

Some big work there and I'm ecstatic to see some one else talking the plunge with a angle grinder and some welding!
Keep us updated you look to be making some great progress :D
finally an updatepost. Things prettymuch stopped during the summer,but they have kicked up a gear in the past month...



This is/was just the ground coat, but seeing it in white has made me reconcider my original intention.