FF Events flyers.

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FF Events flyers.

Oct 2, 2003
Cheadle, Staffordshire
Just a question really too see, now its coming round to the show season, if anyone would like some flyers run off again like last year?

designs are as follows from last year by myself and joe cinq although ill do a new one and anyone else is welcome too but for printing they need to meet certain quidelines etc.


so basicly pricing is as follows -

100 x Postcard (pocket) size - £8.25
100 x A5 (standard) size - £12.10 **price may not be 100% acurate**

Flyers are printed on high quality single sided photographic paper. they are not flyers in the traditional sence but are more photographs but printed at a photographic lab so very good quality and the paper doesnt look/feel cheap.

If you want to design your own to be printed then thats not a problem.. i wont charge extra etc. The price is based on my work discount of 45% but ** im not 100% sure on the a5 price but will double check tomorrow.

I can do them in any quantity really but they wont get cheaper for anything over 100. if you want, say, 50, then the price per flyer will go up and ill have to work out a quote for you. however doing say 50 of one flyer design and 50 of another design still counts as 100 altogether, they arent charged seperately!.

Post a reply if your interested. They can be handed out and collected at events. I dont have the time at the moment to get to the post office so couldnt post :)
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i just noticed, on the flyer on the right, not one of those cars is on the forum any more :p

its like "have your car on the FF Flyer and your destined to leave :D"
serin said:
i just noticed, on the flyer on the right, not one of those cars is on the forum any more :p

Thats what you said above and i am on there, maybe at the bottom but im on there :nerner:

Koas stilo is still on as well......till weds
Might get some anyway Steve as I'll have some then for shows later in the year as well. Bushboy, will sort payment with you at the weekend once I get paid and you have found postage if it's a quick turnaround :) Wasn't sure if it would be that quick or if it would take weeks but if it's just a few days then that's fine, no such rush.