Technical Faults caused by blocked dpf

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Technical Faults caused by blocked dpf


Feb 4, 2018
Having ignored a blocked dpf for the last 12 months definitely hasn't paid off.
Faults i have repaired so far.
Totally fried the turbo that was really fun to replace.
Split the intercooler.
Blocked dpf pressure sensor.
All the intake pipes full of black sludge.
Numerous oil changes just to clean engine internals out.
Egr sticking.
My very expensive lesson learnt.
At first the van would keep going in to regen every couple of hundred miles.
Things eventually got to limp home mode every hill on a cold morning.
Finally every hill went in to limp mode.
Then a loud hissing on acceleration that turned out to be a split intercooler from the pressure build up of a blocked exhaust.
Removed the original dpf and tried to clean it with Winn's off car dpf cleaning fluid.
Didn't do much good to be honest.
That's when I thought do I sell or fix the old girl up.
Removed the turbo and it was completely fried.
Looked like it had been roasted in a log burner.
Leaking and cracked.
The dpf weighed a ton.
Wouldn't even let a small trickle of water run through it.
Poor old girl just couldn't breathe.
Suppose it's not done bad nearly twice around the clock on original engine gearbox and exhaust.
2014 2.3 150hp model.
Pulls like a train again now and starts really easy.
Change glow plugs next as I hear they need these working for a successful regen.
I've owned it for 6 years now.
First couple of years no trouble what so ever.
Think the short journeys have caused a lot of trouble.
Definitely would of been much less expensive just replacing the dpf to start with.
Come down in price now so much.
MOT today, passed with flying colours.
Very low emission inspector said.
Sounds good to me.
How difficult is the EGR valve to replace as my 2011 35 120 m-j lwb van sat in a local garage for 4 days for them to do it and they didnt engine management light is on because of it choking almost stalling after its had a drive around and was thinking of doing it myself now as they werent to keen or had easier things to do instead
How difficult is the EGR valve to replace as my 2011 35 120 m-j lwb van sat in a local garage for 4 days for them to do it and they didnt engine management light is on because of it choking almost stalling after its had a drive around and was thinking of doing it myself now as they werent to keen or had easier things to do instead
Have you checked the differential pressure on the dpf.
Before you go pulling it to bits I would get it on a good scanner and see what's going on.
Have aread of this

Hi all i scanned it with multiecuscan and it gives
Bosch EDC16C39 CF4/EOBD Diesel Injection (2.3, 3.0)ISO Code: FD 86 CD 85 2AHardware number: 0281015576 - Ver: 00Software number: 1037515038 - Ver: 7B41Errors found:p0403 - EGR valve and on the screen has the words Fatal
The P0403 points at the EGR valve, at this age there is no direct feedback on the valve eg being able to compare demand and actual value , check the vacuum lines. Have you done a run to test the differential dpf sensor and checked the value. this can indicate possible blockage of the dpf .
This problem has now been resolved I bought a pressure converter/ exhaust control valve fitted it then scanned with my multiecu scan read and cleared the fault codes and my engine management light has now gone off a good £75 investment was made with the sensor
This problem has now been resolved I bought a pressure converter/ exhaust control valve fitted it then scanned with my multiecu scan read and cleared the fault codes and my engine management light has now gone off a good £75 investment was made with the sensor
is this the turbo solenoid valve?
is this the turbo solenoid valve?
It was the one that sits above the engine on a little scuttle panel and was listed on Autodoc website as pressure converter- exhaust control valve