Technical Engine managment light loss of power

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Technical Engine managment light loss of power


New member
Sep 29, 2013
Hi I was driving down the m25 today when I heard a thud and had a sudden loss of power ( not the best when doing 80 in the right hand lane!!) them after a few minutes power came back help anyone?
Hi mate,

Only way your really going to know what the cause was would be to have the car hooked up to diagnostics and find out what the codes are. Anything else would be guess work. The loss of power would probably have been the ECU going into limp mode to protect the engine, and then returning to normal once the fault was no longer detected.

Any other information?
Where did the thud come from? Any other lights on dash? Any other noises? What was engine temperature like?

Thud came from the front right of the
Bonnet only other warning light is the power steering light which comes on and off whenever it likes and the car temperature was normal half way threw the gauge.... The engine management first came on when I was sitting in traffic and the rev counter was jumping from 10 to 20000 revs
Wow that's a fast revving engine, 20,000 Rpm?

but, as suggested gets codes checked, you can do this yourself with an ELM cable and Multi ECU Scan
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