Dunno if u guys can help - My Kenwood Head Unit

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Dunno if u guys can help - My Kenwood Head Unit


John mason


Ive had my Kenwood KDC 2020 for a year now and its cheap and chearful, but it does the job. Trouble is, it now only plays my CD-RW discs with music on, NONE of my bought cds and cd-rs. What the hell is up with it!

If anyone has any similar probs help me!


Re: Re: Dunno if u guys can help - My Kenwood Head Unit

How do i clean it?
Re: Re: Re: Dunno if u guys can help - My Kenwood Head Unit

get one of those cleaning CD's with the little brushes on the bottom. My mum's stopped reading CD's and that's all i did to fix it. I admit it's a little odd that it only reads CD-RW's, but it's worth a try!
Re: Re: Re: Dunno if u guys can help - My Kenwood Head Unit

Best way is to crack it open and use a very small amount of meths on a cotton bud. If that doesn't work you may have a chip problem. Does it come up "no disc" or something similar? My home unit did this and "a chip" was replaced and it worked again (for about a year) and cost 50 quid. Never repairing one again!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Dunno if u guys can help - My Kenwood Head Unit


Thanks 2 all who replied

I think ill have a go at cleaning it with a cd cleaner head thing. I dont think ill try and open it up ;).

I put the cd in and it makes like a wirring sound - like when it spins up the cd and then keeps on doing it. But with my cd-rw's it spins up first time and plays fine. This was never the case two weeks ago, so i dunno.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dunno if u guys can help - My Kenwood Head Unit

My Kenwood did the same thing, Either came up E-99 (error code for damaged or dirty disc) Get a cleaning cd do the lense, i reset the head unit after that failed with the pen button on the front, work fine since