Technical Dual Zone Climate?

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Technical Dual Zone Climate?


Established member
Jan 17, 2006
Our Cross Plus has not had its AC regassed for about 3 years - with yesterdays warm weather although it felt chilled its definitely not as good as it was so needs doing. However one thing I really noticed was the passenger side was not as cold as the drivers? Would there be any reason for that being low on Refrigerant or do I have a separate problem?
Our Cross Plus has not had its AC regassed for about 3 years - with yesterdays warm weather although it felt chilled its definitely not as good as it was so needs doing. However one thing I really noticed was the passenger side was not as cold as the drivers? Would there be any reason for that being low on Refrigerant or do I have a separate problem?

I was originally told by the dealer that the aircon was 'gassed for life' and would never need regassing, however I had it topped up last summer, very complex. They drained the system, measured the gas, refilled it and charged me for the difference. Very expensive gas. So, as I didn't have an aircon problem I'm guessing that 'gassed for life' is not accurate.
No system is 'gassed for life' that I am aware of. The 500X use the more eco-friendly r1234yf refrigerant which is also more expensive!
So just reading up on this - I'm going to get the ReGas done first but if problems persist with one side hot / one side cold appears there are Blend Door Actuators that control the heat flaps thay may need checking.......... Anyone any experience with these?
The 500X has a sun sun detector (that little dome on the dash by the windscreen). I only just learnt that this sensor is actually a dual sensor and detects LHS/RHS sun illumination.

Now I'm suspecting/thinking that with dual climate control then the car aircon will bias colder air to the "sunny side". Not sure otherwise one would would have a dual LHS/RHS sensor???????????
Depending on the size and shape of the evaporator where cold Aircon gas passes through cooling the air through he heating system. As the gas passes from one side of the evaporator to the other, the heat from the air can transfer into the gas and therefore the gas on one side of the evaporator may end up warmer than the other. It’s a theory I’m not saying it’s the case.
Stuck my head up both foot wells and moving the temperature setting on either side I can see the flap actuators moving so they are fine. They actually appeared surprisingly accessible. If you set the Climate to max LO both sides should be cold to the max but there is definitely temp variation on the passenger side/ seems like only chilled refrigerated air is on the drivers side at both the centre and side vents. Does anyone know where the flap actuator is that separates AC air from incoming fresh air?
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It’s the same regardless of where the car has been parked so that centre dome sensor would be experiencing different temps on all sides
The 500X has a sun sun detector (that little dome on the dash by the windscreen). I only just learnt that this sensor is actually a dual sensor and detects LHS/RHS sun illumination.

Now I'm suspecting/thinking that with dual climate control then the car aircon will bias colder air to the "sunny side". Not sure otherwise one would would have a dual LHS/RHS sensor???????????

I always wondered what that was, something else I've learnt today, thanks [emoji106]
I always wondered what that was, something else I've learnt today, thanks [emoji106]

The full climate systems use it..
To boost the fan speed.. when turning the car puts the dash in full sunlight..

Been around since the grande punto..@2007

Aparrently lower spec cars have a dome with nothing under it :eek:
varesecrazy surely if I have the car in Max LO it should provide full cooling output to both sides - would it not ignore the dome sensor in that situation?
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Another observation. The drivers side that is getting still chilled air seems to feel cooler with the climate system set to 16 degrees rather that Max LO? Why would that be?
Just to update this - I had the car regassed and yes was low. One point to note - The car was also in to have the Cambelt changed as now 5 years old which is the Fiat interval reccomendation (although my mate whose garage it is recommends 4 years.) I now see why. The Aux belt is obviously changed as well as tensioner and water pump for a cambelt - the Aux belt was almost literally in two - split right down the centre but was not fully detached yet - hence a rubber bands worth of belt was still turning the compressor etc. Not 100% why this would only allow chilled gas on drivers side only but that combined with the re-gas and all working perfectly normally again now. They were the original factory belts so this was the first change. Check yours!
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Interesting thread, I didn't know about the LHS / RHS sun sensor having an impact over the different temperatures.

We just got s 500X and have a problem, with aircon on and both sites set to warm / heat only the passenger side warms up, the drivers side blows cooled air. This is not ideal as the mornings are getting colder.

I understand that the Bravo dual climate could be user reset, is there a similar procedure that can be done on the 500X?