driving hands free

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driving hands free

that seems pretty rubbish to me, the hardest bit is that your not sure which people youve counted when there all crossing the road from different directions. that would be hard if you werent driving or listening anyway. dont really see the point in that
I was out by one on the count - got 28.
Answered all the questions.

On a note about actual driving, even though my car has blue and me I tend not to call anyone whilst at the wheel unless I'm stationary in traffic because I do realise it is a distraction while on the move.
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I missed one question, and got was one wrong on the number of pedestrians. I didn't miss the whatchamacallit ;) but I find studies on that extremely interesting nonetheless.

Oh, and confession, I text and drive....
I missed one question, and got was one wrong on the number of pedestrians. I didn't miss the whatchamacallit ;) but I find studies on that extremely interesting nonetheless.

Oh, and confession, I text and drive....
I can't even text and walk!! lol

(Walk and talk I can do, just :idea:)
Daft test. Why on earth would you be counting things anyway? I'd lose count without the phone never mind hitting space bar too. Tried to have a go just out of interest but it crashed.
Counting loads of people crossing the road is not the same as not running someone over.

Flawed test. I use my blue&me while driving and if I ever need to concentrate harder on the roads, like going through a difficult junction, I just say "hold on a bit" then return to my conversation.

Next they'll be banning people from talking with other passengers and then installing microphones in every car to monitor us.... oh wait... that was the previous administration :D
I'm on the phone (handsfree obviously) all the way to and from work usually never had any issues, other than the girlfriend saying "oy you've phoned me to sit in silence?" which usually happens when I get to a tricky bit, say a busy rounderbout and zone out from the conversation.

Also may have been known to text on private roads, but i've had the same phone for 2.5 years and can touch text without taking my eyes off the road.