Coronavirus - The Thread :(

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Coronavirus - The Thread :(

Well - Something happened yesterday which has left me feeling a bit "scared". I was checking out how the battery voltage on my Ibiza had settled out after being on charge for a while (Posted yesterday) and one of my pals, Bob "the welder" who lives at the end of the road, pulled up to the kerbside. He stuck his head out the window and said " can you give me an opinion on this and maybe fix it for me"? He popped the bonnet and pointed to the "front" engine mount (timing chain end) of his 2007 Honda Jazz IDSI. He thought one of the two big studs had sheared. This engine is exactly the same as my daughter in law's 2008 Jazz so I know it well and I thought exactly the same thing when I first worked on hers. Actually what it is is that the front stud is installed from the top and the back one is installed from the bottom. So what you see, looking down from the top is, a normal hex headed fixing on the front one and the very end of the screw thread of the one behind it which has been inserted from the bottom. Many years of corrosion - Alloy mounting/steel stud - and it closely resembles a sheared stud with it's hex head missing. He was enormously relieved when I was able to tell him not to worry about it.

Anyway, he then sat in his car and I bent down, socially distanced, chatting to him through the passenger's side window. We are good friends having followed a similar life "blue print" He started off in the shipyards before going into the North Sea and then teaching welding at tech college. I did the workshop thing before also teaching then changing to working with learning disabled people at the end of my working life. We always find something interesting to talk about and have similar "politically incorrect" views about modern life! So we were asking the usual sort of questions, How's things with you? Family all Ok? etc. etc. Then I said that although there is all this concern on the TV etc about Covid that, so far We only knew two people who had contracted it - My youngest boy just less than a year ago who didn't actually get very ill with it and my wife's friend, in her 80's who was very ill but survived. Then I asked "how about you, do you know of anyone who's got it badly"? He replied that although his family are all fine did I know that a number of people in the bowling club - we don't bowl but do go to some of the social functions - had died and also three of his drinking buddies down in Leith had also died, several more peolpe he knows are also seriously ill in the hospital. I'm not sure why, maybe because I'm not aware of any of our neighbours being ill or anyone else I'm close to, but I'm feeling shocked and not a little scared and insecure to hear of all these deaths so "near to home" The bowling club people will all be people we probably have more than a passing acquaintance with.

We have been isolating as best we can and haven't been away from the house/garden for almost exactly 2 weeks now. We are going to do a big food shop tomorrow about which I am feeling a little anxious, but we are very careful to only go in the supermarket if it looks quiet and we wear our masks and gloves and distance from others, so probably all we can do. I'm much more worried about looking after our wee grandson (15 moths old) on a Tuesday. It's the only reason we leave the house apart from taking exercise and food shopping but it does mean we spend the day at their house. She only works part time just now but my son does a full day at his work on a Tuesday so can't stay to look after him and she can't find a place for him with a paid minder so if she is going to work, and by golly they need the money, We are their only option. Whereas before I was feeling reasonably "happy" about us doing this, now, with the schools being closed my granddaughter will be there too, home schooling - so it's going to take the two of us (Mrs J and I) to "keep the lid on". It's all left me feeling a bit "twitchy". There may be a wee chink of light on the horizon though. We just had a 'phone call this morning from my daughter in law to say her employer is giving her advanced notice they are considering furloughing her! In fact her work have not needed her for the last fortnight so we haven't been needed and they have told her not to come into work tomorrow so we won't be needed this week either. If the furlough her this could solve the whole situation for us as it would mean we wouldn't be needed to childmind and could just stay home and isolate 'till we get our jabs. I've got my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed, sleeve rolled up "at the ready"!

Still feeling shattered and insecure to have heard of all these deaths though - It's really clobbered me in a way I hadn't seen coming!

On a different note and talking about extended interval food shopping, We find it's milk which always goes "off" first and forces you out to the shops. We've discovered semi skimmed "Filtered Milk" in Lidl - I believe others are selling it too. It lasts for absolutely ages. Mrs J only uses fully skimmed "white water" as I call it but I use the semi skimmed and I was finding that a normal 2 litres (or pints) of semi skimmed would often go off before I could use it all. Now I buy 2 containers, @ 2 litres or pints each, and keep them in the fridge. One container lasts me almost exactly a week then I start on the other. I never have a problem with even the second pack going off! Wonderful stuff and, if anything, it maybe tastes just a tad more creamy than "ordinary" semi skimmed! - Must remember to start shaving the hair from the palms of my hands, soles of my feet and end of my nose though -- Ha, Ha!
On a different note and talking about extended interval food shopping, We find it's milk which always goes "off" first and forces you out to the shops. We've discovered semi skimmed "Filtered Milk" in Lidl - I believe others are selling it too. It lasts for absolutely ages. Mrs J only uses fully skimmed "white water" as I call it but I use the semi skimmed and I was finding that a normal 2 litres (or pints) of semi skimmed would often go off before I could use it all. Now I buy 2 containers, @ 2 litres or pints each, and keep them in the fridge. One container lasts me almost exactly a week then I start on the other. I never have a problem with even the second pack going off! Wonderful stuff and, if anything, it maybe tastes just a tad more creamy than "ordinary" semi skimmed!
I get UHT, lasts unopened in the cupboard for months..! (22/Aug/2021 is the date on my current packs). So you can fully stock up.

It may not taste as good as non-UHT milk, but if milk expiring is currently the trigger to force you out to the shops, it may be worth going UHT for a while.
I get UHT, lasts unopened in the cupboard for months..! (22/Aug/2021 is the date on my current packs). So you can fully stock up.

It may not taste as good as non-UHT milk, but if milk expiring is currently the trigger to force you out to the shops, it may be worth going UHT for a while.
Thanks David. Yup it's the UHT that my Mrs buys - red packs and very very long dates. I don't actually know how long the filtered stuff might last, less than the UHT almost certainly but the last lot, bought a fortnight ago now, is dated 18th Jan and I'm pretty confident, if it's seal remained unbroken, it would still be usable on that date. Needing bread etc would have forced us out by then anyway. The UHT might seem attractive when all the brexit complications cause "ordinary" milk supplies to dry up though? Just, in rather bad taste, joking!
Don't let the media's Covid reporting get to you, myself and maybe half a dozen others from my local Bowling Club went down with Covid following the 2020 New Year's eve festivity and all survived, the ones that suffered most were ones that had medical issues prior to getting infected. Take time to read the official death statistics and you will see that the death rates from (and not with) Covid is not much, also bear in mind that the testing can give up to 80% false positives. not allowed to post URL , look in wubblew wubblew wubblew and then the birth deaths department
You can freeze milk too ;)

My old neighbour used them as 'cool blocks' .. in a coolbag when.. going away

And of course had fresh milk friday /sat
Then thawed for sunday

Only works with certain breeds

I had a village shop years ago and used to sell frozen goats milk


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Jock.. did you get your trip out in the car ( ibiza) ?.. were the roads quiet..??

Im a bit unsure here :

We are told daily that 'cases'.deaths.. etc are now topping April 2020 levels..

To 'save the NHS' we stayed at home.. for an extended period.. the roads were deserted

Now.. it looks like a Sunday.. plenty of people around.. wherever you happen to be

am I missing something.?
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Jock.. did you get your trip out in the car ( ibiza) ?.. were the roads quiet..??

Im a bit unsure here :

We are told daily that 'cases'.deaths.. etc are now topping April 2020 levels..

To 'save the NHS' we stayed at home.. for an extended period.. the roads were deserted

Now.. it looks like a Sunday.. plenty of people around.. wherever you happen to be

am I missing something.?
Actually no I didn't Charlie. Having had my mind put at rest with the good result from charging the Ibiza's battery I then got delayed by my conversation with my friend Bob and it was just starting to get dusky by the time we finished "jawing". I did sit in and release the hand brake whereby she immediately started to roll back which confirmed to me that the hand brake (rear) pads are not seized - which is quite a well know problem on the small VAG rear calipers. I meant to take her out today but we are having quite a bit of wind and some rain so it's just a not very nice day so I didn't and anyway I was expecting to give her a good run out into Midlothian tomorrow for our childminding duties - which now won't be happening due to my Daughter in law's employer laying staff off.

So tomorrow we are going to do a big food shop - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday seem to be quietist up here - but I'll take Becky because the Panda warms up roughly twice as fast as the Ibiza and I'm confidently expecting her to warm up even quicker when I can be bothered to fit her new thermostat (which surprises me as the Ibiza has this fancy divided cooling system and two thermostats and two water pumps (Oh deary me) which are supposed to make it ultra quick at warming up?!

I'm not expecting to find it particularly quiet out there. We can hear the traffic on the Ferry Road from our front garden - don't hear a thing inside the house with our wonderful new double glazing!!! - and it's a constant noise, much as it always sounds. Unlike it was back at the beginning when it was, as you say, very quiet indeed with only the occasional individual vehicle being heard. I think people were just scared by it all back then and they are not now? If I remember I'll update this thread when we get back

Oh and yes, we have always put milk in the freezer, especially when going on holiday. Any unused milk in it's plastic bottle, put in the freezer whilst we're away and taken out on return so milk available for tea and cereals in the morning. I've always wondered though why it goes a strange yellowy colour when frozen but changes back to white when it melts?
I was working in my front garden yesterday prepping the sidecar for re attachment to my Goldwing now it has passed the MOT. I witnessed 2 cars pull up 4 people got out and spent half an hour putting on walking boots and hiking gear, as they passed my house and said a pleasant hello I mentioned that maybe Covid didn't bother them, they got on the defensive stating that they all lived together.....Really!..... so I mentioned that they had still traveled for their exercise, which is against current advice, so putting ,my local community at risk. They didn't seem to get it and walked off in a huff, I just hope that the coastguard are not needed to rescue these idiots on the trecherous muddy cliffs.......

We have recently heard that my brothers mother inlaw is now seriously ill in hospital with Covid........
It's the biggest hoax in history. It is just last year's flu, seized upon by governments to remove civil liberties.

I am a Dr and a scientist. The British Medical Journal have said that "Politicians are suppressing science", but this is censored from mainstream news.

What surprises me is how many people are taken in by the spoon feeding. My advice is switch off the propaganda and find out what all the doctors and professors are saying:
For a start look at, and then check out the Health section of
Don't let the media's Covid reporting get to you, myself and maybe half a dozen others from my local Bowling Club went down with Covid following the 2020 New Year's eve festivity and all survived, the ones that suffered most were ones that had medical issues prior to getting infected. Take time to read the official death statistics and you will see that the death rates from (and not with) Covid is not much, also bear in mind that the testing can give up to 80% false positives. not allowed to post URL , look in wubblew wubblew wubblew and then the birth deaths department

go away this is no place for trumper trolls
It's the biggest hoax in history. It is just last year's flu, seized upon by governments to remove civil liberties.

I am a Dr and a scientist. The British Medical Journal have said that "Politicians are suppressing science", but this is censored from mainstream news.

What surprises me is how many people are taken in by the spoon feeding. My advice is switch off the propaganda and find out what all the doctors and professors are saying:
For a start look at, and then check out the Health section of

go away this is no place for trumper trolls and your fake claims, been banned from facebook and twitter have you.

every thing you have posted has already been debunked in this thread go back to the start and read it all.
Hate is a very strong word and I never used to hate anyone including people who have treated my very badly.
However, since my Covid-19 illness in November, and I'm still recovering, I've developed an extreme hatred for Covidiots.
I wish them an extremely violent death and would only be too glad to push them off a high point.
And the thing is I would have no regret doing it.
I am a Dr and a scientist.

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Lets see those credentials?? btw, even if someone is a Dr (PHD) and a scientist. for example a PHD in particle physics, we have to wonder why anyone would listen to there opinion on something like covid any more than you would the man in the street wearing a sandwich board saying the end of the world is nigh..... in that instance both are equally qualified. (y)

The British Medical Journal have said that "Politicians are suppressing science", but this is censored from mainstream news.

Ahhhh oooooh you seem to have missed all the things the BMJ say about covid being real..... but its fun to pick and choose what fits your crazy narative

Also stated by the BMJ

"When those who believe the earth is flat are given the same airtime as qualified scientists and astronauts who have literally seen the earth from space, we are as doomed"