Technical coolant leak

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Technical coolant leak

The butterfly valve is the radiator air bleed so a leak there would cause your symptoms and the leak would drop coolant just below there

Will watch this area then - but clean it up first.

Marks around the coolant reservoir cap might be sloppy refilling residue or pressure relief spilling out

I've only refilled with pure water, so this must be pressure related. I cleaned this area 2 days ago.
Leak found. As coolant disappeared (and still does) but no traces whatsoever - and no steam from exhaust or contaminated oil, it was down to the radioator. But I needed proof. So I bought a Tracerline leak detection dye. And it was like magic. Yellow glasses on, purple UV-light and tadaaa:

Picture from left side of radiator (standing in front of engine):

Picture from right side of radiator (standing in front of engine):

Picture from underneath. Traces on right underside of the panel only: