Styling colour opinions pleeease, for blade refurb

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Styling colour opinions pleeease, for blade refurb

I'm planning to get mine refurbished too. Something like shadow chrome or along those lines... Anyone got a price to aim for all 4 wheels done?
Had mine done in anthracite by the wheel specialist, they look fantastic, in my opinion dark alloys definitely look better, no matter what colour your car is.(y)
Had mine done in anthracite by the wheel specialist, they look fantastic, in my opinion dark alloys definitely look better, no matter what colour your car is.(y)

Don't agree, Dark alloys in my opinion only really work on vibrant or dark colours. The stand out toooooo much on a pale colours, unless of course you like your alloys sticking out like a sore bollock! ;)

I refurbed 1 alloy and it was anthracite in shade and looked terrible on my Sassy Grey stilo, so I had all 4 wheel refurbed in the original light silver. :)
Yeah you've maybe got a point there stiloboy,
i've had broom yellow, white and now a black moire stilo and dark alloys have certainly looked great on all them colours... or maybe its just that they do such a good job of hiding all the break dust that I like them so much!
I just got my alloys back, so I'll maybe try to put up a pic soon, light alloys on light colours (white excepted) seems to me to be the way, but dark alloys look good on White, solid colours and darker colours.

Mind you its all personal pref, if you've got a light grey/blue/green car and you want dark alloys then its totally your choice!