Technical Cinquecento Running on one coil

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Technical Cinquecento Running on one coil


New member
Aug 6, 2011
I have a 1994 Cinquecento it is only running on one coil. I know the two coils are OK as I have swapped the LT connections and each coil works OK as do the HT leads.

The problem is associated to the wiring from Pin 19 on the ECU. However I have tested the output from the ECU the voltage from pin 1 & 19 is 14v, and there is 14v at the plug but only the coil connected to Pin 1 works. I have tried different coils, new leads, new plugs, new cabling from the ECU. One of the coils is the original and one is from a Punto not sure is there is anything different about the coils that would stop them working together.
:wave: Hi and welcome to the forum. I think that you should pop over to the Sei/Cinq section and have a search through to see if this has been mentioned before. If not, post a new thread outlining the problem (copy and paste the details from here to save time) and the technical wizards that lurk in there should be able to offer you some assistance.

Good luck and fingers crossed.