Cinquecento Maximum Front Speaker Mounting Depth And Speaker Advice Please

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Cinquecento Maximum Front Speaker Mounting Depth And Speaker Advice Please

Jan 18, 2010
I can't find anywhere on the forum the maximum mounting depth I can go for on my Cinquecento front speakers. I have searched and searched and searched and searched the forum and the net and I can't find this info any where ! :bang: I'm going crazy searching ! lol !

Anyway these are my current speaker favourites see link below. The mounting depth is 43mm ( thats pretty shallow isn't it ? ).

I want 3 way speakers and I know that they probably won't fit behind the original grille because of the tweeter but can I just leave the original grilles off and use the Pioneer ones ? These speakers have a square look so I guess this would look pretty good ?

Does anyone have an alternative 3 way speaker they could recommend to me. The price doesn't matter I just want the best sound I can get.

Must be 3 way though so please don't recommend 2 way ones ! lol !

My head unit is a Pioneer DEH-4200SD I don't know if this makes a difference to my speaker choice ?

Thanks in advance.
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I answered in the other thread you posted in.

You sort of answered the question about the depth ( although I'm still really none the wiser now you have told me to watch the magnet size ! lol ! )

I guess I will have to just buy some speakers and take a gamble they will fit.

I would still really like some advice on the best 10cm 3 way speakers to buy. Which hasn't been answered.