Technical Cigarette Lighter looks to big !!!

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Technical Cigarette Lighter looks to big !!!

May 7, 2014
west midlands
Hi all

Did anyone had this problem with the cigarette lighter in punto ?
When I plug in anything to it, its disconnecting it. I bought a FM transmitter. I plugged it in but it looks like it not working. When I move it a bit its powering up. The cigarrete lighter its working fine. But it looks like the input is to short or the diamater is too big.

Anyone had this problem ?
I have this problem in mine... also happened with my FM transmitter and now another extension unit. I have had a few things that fit nice and snug so I cannot work out if it is the hole that is too big or if it is the accessories that are too small. Sorry, not much help!
There are 2 typees of cig lighter
One is European which ur fiat has got - its about 1 - 2mm larger
Then there is the japanese connection which almost most electronics come from tbh which are smaller
So the problem of small in big = floppy
Big fits in small as its sprung loaded and is secure 100%

My advice - buy a ring automative splitter
They have a collar on there jap style plug so its nice and secure
Plus u then have 2 sockets and possibly usb
Since im on app i cant link but amazon is ur friend here

This is what I use in my car. Fits perfectly in the cup holder and has the ring that Ziggy122 was on about. Can be found cheaper else where probably:
