carbon fibre rubbish rant

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carbon fibre rubbish rant

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New member
Oct 20, 2007
i was having a conversation at work to day about carbon fibre and i seemed to be the only one that thinks its stupidly overpriced and a normal 2x2 twill weave looks tacky(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n). imo its ok for race cars n stuff but stupid on road cars.

does anyone agree or am i the only one
i was having a conversation at work to day about carbon fibre and i seemed to be the only one that thinks its stupidly overpriced and a normal 2x2 twill weave looks tacky(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n). imo its ok for race cars n stuff but stupid on road cars.

does anyone agree or am i the only one

I just find it laughable when people get the stick on 'carbon fibre' and plaster it everywhere. The whole point of carbon fibre is light weight and strength, so sticking it on top of something already there does absolutely bugger all. Plus I've never liked the look of it personally. It's fine when used properly on race cars but tacky on road cars, mainly because most 'carbon fibre' items on road cars are fake rubbish fitted to chav mobiles. (n)

I almost got some pink wipers as a bet

a carbon fibre bonnet can look good on some cars, like a highly modified skyline GTR, but other than that i dont like carbon fibre bolt-ons. any fake carbon fibre is total chavvage.
I plan on getting a CF bonnet for the starlet at some point, but only for the weight saving more than anything.
I'm into kayaking and bought some damn fancy autoclaved £250 double carbon paddles.

and yeah, I cry every time I use them, as they have literally worn about 1.25" off the end of these already very short paddles (189cm play paddles :D), thats EACH end!

and to add insult to injury teh face of them (teh carbon lacquer clear stuff) scratchs so damn easy, and then because they black the scratchs show up real bad.

also when you pick them up on teh blades you get pics of carbon weave embedded in your hand, whcih is damn painful and impossible to remove without cutting th flesh open.

so yeah, I ain't been chuffed with carbon....

well on th plus side they are so damn light (50% less than equiv glass blades), their VERY shock resistant. They are incredibly stiff. And they are so HARD that when you put one end of the paddle to your ear and the other in the water you can hear the water rippling and the whales chatting down there LOL
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