General Car alarm problems

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General Car alarm problems


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Hi, I have just bought my first Fiat which is 16v 1596cc Dynamic Stilo.:)
Its the 2002 model and has been brilliant so far except for the car alarm.
I believe that it is the standard alarm as it works off the two keys. The keys lock the doors and activate the alarm. Then at random the alarm will start sounding. When we try turning off the alarm via the key, nothing happens. The doors unlock but the alarm keeps sounding. I am also able to start the engine and the alarm keeps on going. After approx 20 seconds it turns off.
Just wonderng if this a common problem or has any one got any clues on how to sort it out.
That should not make any difference if the siren is not switched off with the ignition key. This could be a power or communication problem between the body computer and the siren, we have just started to change a few sirens due to internal failures and sometimes the contacts can have corrosion on. Best thing is to remove and clean the terminals and check the siren for signs of water ingress.
Could i please ask where you will find the siren on a 1.8 dynamique as all works with mine but no siren.
Fiat fit them in the scuttle [just below the windscreen]of the car if its a Fiat fit alarm..(y)
Once again thank you oh great one will be all over that tomorrow have been drooling over my new stainless steel exhaust fitted this morning by MIL performance. Sound's really nice have neglected the old girl for a while so have gone to town on her new exhaust new plugs air filter and oil filter and semi to go in tomorrow. Will try and fix Siren failure if the siren does'nt work will that show up as a failure on the dash as it keeps telling me alarm fault on dash ?? don't suppose there is an alarm reset procedure is there ?? dodgy connection at siren
Have taken out siren unit and as expected it is corroded past recognition have tried to gently clean up but it is shot alarm system still seems to work without it in there.Any ideas for replacing dont particulary want to pay the £110 i got quoted this afternoon.Is there an alternative to been had over by our local Fiat dealer serial number is 46762746
TRW 610086 12V B365

Regards to all.
Alarm wiring

Hi to all can anyone tell me what the function of the four wires are that go into the back of the siren on a fiat stilo 1.8 please regards. Thinking of fitting an aftermarket siren if possible.
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Re: Alarm wiring

Hi to all can anyone tell me what the function of the four wires are that go into the back of the siren on a fiat stilo 1.8 please regards. Thinking of fitting an aftermarket siren if possible.

You won't be able to get it to work if your Stilo has never had an alarm ;)

I'd quit whalst your ahead (y)
Re: Alarm wiring

The car has a standard alarm fitted but i don't particularly want to blow 100 quid on a siren that has just let go (water ingression caused it to breakdown have had it apart but it is too far gone)and would much prefer to try an alternative for this reason unless there is a web site that does replacements for £20 ????

Seeing as it's effectively impossible to retrofit the standard alarm then I'd want to hang on to it :rolleyes:

The siren must be an exact match although I think sirens from some Alfa's are compatible (check the part #)