calm down stephen......

Currently reading:
calm down stephen......

Aug 4, 2004

say "they" were to wander past our neighbourhood......we're an insignificant fly speck, in a far flung backwater of a galaxy that barely registers on the universe. so technologically inferior, barely worth the effort of destroying, which let's face it wouldn't be too hard.

war of the worlds? pfft, be over in the blink of an eye.

so can you get back to more important matters, why is there a black hole in my washing machine that eats the odd sock?
just read that aswell...suppose he has a point. In hindsight on the voyager probe identification plates we should of put drawings of huge dinosaur predator like monsters on it insteard of humans...that'll keep the aliens away;)
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I've been watching the remake of V on scy-fy.
I reckon if we can make prosthetics that make lizards look human then i reckon aliens could do it as well.

What i find strange, they travel hundreds of thousands of light years to earth & they want to steal our water & kill us for food - yet how many ice-covered planets did they pass en-route?
And with all that hi-tech, how comes they are short of meat?
What i find strange, they travel hundreds of thousands of light years to earth & they want to steal our water & kill us for food

and if they have been here, as some claim, why do they they always land in some backwoods hicksville, probing the likes of bubba? performing some sort of intergalactic sterility program on rednecks.......actually they may be doing us a favour.....or they are as thick as the people they meet?