Styling boot lid higes

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Styling boot lid higes

the hobbler

Distinguished member
Jul 25, 2012
Is there any body out there rebuilding a 500with the intention of fitting boot-lid supports (like the racing Abarths)--if there is, where did you get, or are planning to get, the hinges from so that you can hinge the engine lid from the TOP. Standered 600 hinges might be the answer (their boot lids hinged at the top as standered)--has anyone got a set of 600 hinges? Any help and/or advice would be appreciated:bang:
Hi folks;
With a bit of brain engagement and investigation I might have solved this problem---look at :- to 'tuning' and then onto 'miscellaneous'--look at part number DI-1114. These boot support hinges are mounted in the same manner as the 600 boot-lid hinges (at the top). At a cost of only E49, they are going to be worth investigating. I am waiting for them to come back into stock--as soon as I have checked them out, I will keep people advised.