General argh! timing belt gone before I could get new one on!

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General argh! timing belt gone before I could get new one on!

Bad luck Scorg :( The day I drove to have mine done I panicked all the way there as that's just my luck as well :bang: I was lucky though :eek:

As for power, there might not be many of them in the smaller cars but they're Italian stallions, much better than your average horsepower thank you ;) And the age-old cliche, it's not what you have, it's what you do with it that counts *ahem* :D

Very true. The amount of cars ive seen on the rollers that do not get anyway near the claimed[standard engine] figures. Ford are one of the worst!! Fiats i have found over the years to make or even easily exceed the claimed figures.

Ford are one of the worst!! Fiats i have found over the years to make or even easily exceed the claimed figures.

i agree (y)

any model will be expected to have a certain amount of variance from the quoted figures, it depends on the particular car (you really can get a good un with up to 10% more power than a bad un) but you would hope the average output would be the quoted figure. ford definately dont use the average, and nether do peugeot/citroen. but fiat do seem to be a lot closer to quoted figures. maybe it has something to do with the way different manufacturers measure their figures, or maybe its done on purpose by certain brands to help sales.
well just found out that its unfixable, everything on the engine has been damaged, so its better for me to find a new engine.

Only question I have now is, as ive not had an answer back from alfanige yet, will the remaped ecu be an issue with a different engine.
your ecu is not paired to any particular engine so it is not a problem.

however an unfixable engine is impossible simply because the cambelt snapped, and damaging everything on the engine is also impossible. if they said that to you i would take it somewhere else.

plus buying a used engine is always a gamble, you've no idea what sort of life its had, if its been serviced, if its utter crap. you have to fit it and see, and by that point its too late to change your mind. good luck if you do fit a different engine, expect to pay £100-200 for a complete engine with 30 day warranty (warranty is important), but be aware its always a big risk. and the chances of wiring faults afterwards is also very high.
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have to bring the cost factor into it as well, if your fixing the top and bottom end of the current engine. Also im in the position of not being able to move the car to other places (one company half mile from here even wanted to charge £40 to move the car)

I know its always a risk about going for a replacement engine. Got one for £285 with 60 day warrenty. Came from a 51 plate brava with 21k miles on it.
ooh i'd defo go for a 21k engine. thats excellent milage and a good warranty so its worth the money. (y)

although i would want to see the donor car to confirm milage. you can never be too careful.

and you're right, the cost of fixing the bottom end as well quickly adds up. so considering you have a chance to get such a low milage engine it would be madness repairing yours.

fingers crossed it all works out.
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Yup agree certainly a good price and decent warranty, :thumb and like the miles, try and get some evidence of the 21K and service history, as i've found that low milage peeps skimp on servicing on looking for my Bravo anyhow. Even with some servicing missing its still a decent buy, but try and check anyhow.

Is that £285 fitted i assume?
donor car is down in york (couldnt find anything over here) so unable to view whats left of the brava but should be able to trace details easy enough via service book
finaly got the car back today, its alive again with the replacement engine. only driven it around town so far but seems fine thus far.

Will give it a longer drive this evening to see how things are on 60 roads.
finaly got the car back today, its alive again with the replacement engine. only driven it around town so far but seems fine thus far.

Will give it a longer drive this evening to see how things are on 60 roads.

Nice one glad you got it sorted, what did the garage do with your old engine, you could have sold some parts to recooup costs.
old engine is being binned, it really was buggered in everyway possible that i'd be suprised if anything was recoverable on it.

anyway, 70 miles in and ive got a problem......
getting a clicking from the left front wheel, guessing CV joint, so its going back tomorrow as im guessing with the work that has done the drivetrain may of been miss set and the cv joint popped out