Any plumbers around?

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Any plumbers around?

Jun 3, 2004
Ooop North
my combi boiler is leaking internally (in the boiler unit) and it looks like it is leaking at the automatic air release valve just above the pump. Is only a small amount but created a puddle about the size of a mans hand.

why would this leak water and how do i stop it?

Anyone who says call a plumber can donate to my plumber fund. :)
hmm if its like mine there is a red round tank inside that has some sort of diaphragm inside, and evertuannly theyt break soo the water starts to go in reulting in a loss of pressure when cold. but when hot it gets to hot sooo it over flows outside and or steam comes out of that valve. if it is t hat then there isnt no cheap fix :(
Plumber said its not vital & screwed in the valve...said that will be fine (has been for 3 years) then opened my wallet & took out a bundle of cash then left laughing:(


poor T times like that you need a friend of the family who is a self employed plumber/corgi gas fitter just did the pump on our CH after fault hunting.. about an hour and a halfs work and charged us £90....

(surely cheaper than a Fiat DET :p)

poor T times like that you need a friend of the family who is a self employed plumber/corgi gas fitter just did the pump on our CH after fault hunting.. about an hour and a halfs work and charged us £90....

(surely cheaper than a Fiat DET :p)

Its simple...I now have learnt to do it all myself except obviously gas connections to the boiler or if i'm a little unsure (kids on the house - better safe than sorry) but changed PCB's,radiators,power flushes etc no problem.Nasty man isn't going to rob me again so easily.

£90 for hour & half DET work....must be worth twice that amount:)
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T, thats why I teach myself things, until i bought this house i didnt now anything about the inards of a combi boiler, since october, i have read its installation and service manual and read up on them quite a bit.

I do this with anything, cars, washing machines, VCRs, tellys, as well as tax, tax credits, the list goes on.
i know, people at work find it weird i can turn my hands to anything!

And i fixed the boiler, for now, the plastic cap sealing the valve top had split, tried a car valve dust cap and its to small, so glued it and put it back in and its holding.

Next step if leaks is blue tack over the top, or PTFE tape over the valve and screw lid down
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