Technical Advice Needed

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Technical Advice Needed

Italian Job

Jan 16, 2006
Hi Guys

Please could you give me some advice

I keep getting the following error logged
P01135 - 02 Sensor 16
02 sensor Heater cct malfunction
Bank 1 Sensor 1

I have attached the readings using Fiatscan (If they Help)

I beleive that the Lambda sensor before the cat is playing up am I correct ?????

Many Thanks inadvance.


  • Fiat Punto Errors.doc
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I have just rescanned and I have two faults logged

1. P0135 - 02 Sensor 6
o2 Sensor heater malfunction
Bank 1 sensor 1

2. P0141 - 02 Sensor 12
o2 Sensor heater malfunction
Bank 1 sensor 2

The Engine management light is ON
Do you think both sensors are duff or is there a problem with the cat converter ???? Because according to my garage they changed both sensors 8months ago, but that was before it had a head gasket job done.

Thanks for the reply
Could you give me some more info on the relays (Where are they hidden)

I don't think relays are involved here. The lambda sensors wire back to the ECU. Check the connectors local to each sensor and also the earth wire local to the ECU.

Thanks will check the wiring out.
If I clear the codes I can drive the car for about 45 mins before the engine light comes back on and then if I rescan the errors are logged but fiatecuscan informs me that the fault is not present at this moment and the errors have been stored ??????

Do you think the problem could be to do with the cat ????

Thanks for all your help
I doubt it's the cat. Like Rallycinq said, most likely wiring.

The if the cat was the issue you'd probably get a code saying something like "reading below threshold" or something similarly incomprehensible.
The message "fault not present at this moment" implies it's intermittent. Something is causing a blip then going away for a while. Still points towards wiring though it could be an intermittent fault in one of the lambda sensors. Have you tried running it with a lambda sensor disconnected to see what that does? (not recommended to run for long because it could contaminate the cat if not burning fuel stoichiometrically). It ought at least to throw an error that would help you understand which sensor is which.
