Technical 500 stop/start

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Technical 500 stop/start


One job always leads to another
Jun 3, 2019
west yorks
After searching here & online I’ve read a lot about stop/start issues... but no real fixes? Most opinions I’ve read say it’s unless anyway and it probably is..... but I would still like to know why mine isn’t working? Anyone have any ideas of common faults? Things I can look for.......
First you need to ascertain that any fault is actually with the S/S because there are many conditions that will prevent it from working, which is why you might see the message "Stop/Start Unavailable" - it's a symptom, it doesn't (necessarily) mean there's anything wrong with the S/S itself.

If you don't see that message but it still doesn't work,[FONT=&quot] first and foremost check the condition of the battery. It should be the right type - for my 2013 car that's an EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery) - and it must be 100% healthy. An older battery can be fully charged and perfectly adequate for normal operation but not good enough for S/S.

Do you get that "Unavailable" message?
If you switch the S/S off and then on again do you see the message; "Stop&Start Disconnected" or "...Connected"?

After a stall does the car automatically start when you push the clutch in?
Does the engine ever stop and quickly re-start within seconds?
I've had my 2012 1.2 for a few months now and the stop/start has never functioned. Last weekend I replaced a dead battery for a new one and the stop/start immediately started working..... for one day.. doesn't function again now.
Rasputin, the Younger Mrs S' 1.2 has S/S that worked when she bought it but has stopped intervening (I guess it still "works") now that she uses the car just once a week. I suspect that the battery charge is just less than the S/S fancies.

There is a battery health sensor on the negative pole/terminal of the battery and a separate charging post. You're supposed to only fit a battery charger to the post, not the negative terminal on the battery.. and I don't know if it's possible to damage the sensor if you rig up a charger or jump leads etc. using the battery.

Separately, it may be worth a punt giving the negative battery post a clean, then refit the terminal. Less resistance might let the sensor realise that the battery is in better condition than it thought.

Ralf S.
First you need to ascertain that any fault is actually with the S/S because there are many conditions that will prevent it from working, which is why you might see the message "Stop/Start Unavailable" - it's a symptom, it doesn't (necessarily) mean there's anything wrong with the S/S itself.

If you don't see that message but it still doesn't work,[FONT=&quot] first and foremost check the condition of the battery. It should be the right type - for my 2013 car that's an EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery) - and it must be 100% healthy. An older battery can be fully charged and perfectly adequate for normal operation but not good enough for S/S.

Do you get that "Unavailable" message?
If you switch the S/S off and then on again do you see the message; "Stop&Start Disconnected" or "...Connected"?

After a stall does the car automatically start when you push the clutch in?
Does the engine ever stop and quickly re-start within seconds?

I can switch it on & off fine. I did stall the car the other day totally forgetting this car had stop start and it re started itself. But that’s the only time I have ever noticed it working I will check the battery ..type/age but from what I have seen it’s pretty new just not sure if it’s the correct type but will post a pic when I have. Only had the car a week or so I’m just getting used to it! I did have the stop/start unavailable message a few days ago possibly the day I stalled!
I can switch it on & off fine. I did stall the car the other day totally forgetting this car had stop start and it re started itself. But that’s the only time I have ever noticed it working I will check the battery ..type/age but from what I have seen it’s pretty new just not sure if it’s the correct type but will post a pic when I have. Only had the car a week or so I’m just getting used to it! I did have the stop/start unavailable message a few days ago possibly the day I stalled!

Can’t seem to see a model no ect....?
From a quick survey of UK battery suppliers it appears Lion brand batteries do use grey casings for their EFB range. It'd be useful to to get a look at the front label which should have model, Amp/Hours and Cold Cranking ratings.

For example;
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Lion brand batteries are generally regarded in the trade as cheap rubbish ( I think it's an ECP/CP4Less own brand, sourced from the cheapest supplier they can find). There are shedloads of folks on car forums who've returned failed Lion brand batteries after as little as a year's use. So I'm thinking the battery is the most likely reason why your S/S won't work properly.

How old is it?

If it's more than a couple of years old, then replacing it (with a more reputable brand) may restore S/S functionality. S/S on the 500 needs a near-perfect battery to work; a weakening battery will disable S/S a long, long time before the battery shows any other symptoms.
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That's the impression I got from my brief search - lots of negative (geddit?) vibes about Lion batteries. It's counter-productive to skimp on battery quality to save a few quid.

My car was fitted (by FIAT no less!) with a good quality but standard, i.e. non-EFB, battery early on and the S/S worked perfectly for three years. I replaced it with the correct type when S/S showed signs of failing and it now lives in the garage powering the electric gates.
Varta was my preference too but I just can't get them here.

I was advised to stick with EFB as specified for my car and I also read that AGM batteries are not happy in very hot environs; such as the cramped engine bay of a 500 on a 40C day.
Lion brand batteries are generally regarded in the trade as cheap rubbish ( I think it's an ECP/CP4Less own brand, sourced from the cheapest supplier they can find). There are shedloads of folks on car forums who've returned failed Lion brand batteries after as little as a year's use. So I'm thinking the battery is the most likely reason why your S/S won't work properly.

How old is it?

If it's more than a couple of years old, then replacing it (with a more reputable brand) may restore S/S functionality. S/S on the 500 needs a near-perfect battery to work; a weakening battery will disable S/S a long, long time before the battery shows any other symptoms.

Well I only bought the car last week I have a receipt in with all the paperwork but it looks like it’s from a different car[emoji23] anyway the battery is quite clean but no idea about age!! If I replace battery [emoji367] what do I need to be looking for?? No doubt expensive too eh ? I’m guessing I can fit it myself I’ve had the neg off trying to sort my blue n me
Ooooh good one yes will do! Just been pricing up batteries just in case euro car parts only have one that’s stop start it’s 230 ish ��

Euro aren't the cheapest place for batteries, but if you use the code "FLASH50" you'll get 50% off that price.

The code varies frequently but the discount on batteries is usually about 50%. (Does anybody ever buy anything from ECP without putting in the discount code ???)

If you shop around, expect to pay around £100 delivered for a decent 500 S/S battery.

I noticed this one on a very quick search, but 10 mins on google shopping should find a better price. (ECP sell the same battery for £125 after the 50% discount, but you do get "free" delivery)
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