General 500 as a 'family car'....

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General 500 as a 'family car'....

Don't suppose you thought about a Fiat panda instead? Same engines, same chassis but alot more practical and 5 door.

The big selling point for the 500 is the looks... Panda doesn't cut it there I'm afraid.

Thanks for all the points of view though, everyone, still going to be a difficult decision by the looks of it.
I agree - I just shout at my son and tell him that if he doesn't stop kicking my chair then there will be no tv when he gets home - it tends to work!

Sadly some people these days think that you've got to be friends with your child or reason things with them. I now understand after seeing people explain things to their children why the "Because I told you" method was used on me.
Back in my day you'd get told (shouted at rather) to stop kicking the back of the seat or doing whatever you were doing. Tended to work on us.

My kids get told alright, but at a certain age and depending in the car seat, their legs tend to stick out more straight. I've had to made a cover to protect the back of the seat in the 500 as its more important for me to drive comfortably with the front seat in the correct position for me rather than bother about their feet marking the back of the front seat.
Yep the car is only a 4 seater its not insured for 5 peeps
Please tell me you did not seriously think I needed to be told that!
Has anyone ever bought a car without counting their family members and the number of seats in the car?

I have a 5 seater car for the rare occasion the whole family of five goes out together.
The Op has potentially a family of three.Tons of room in a fiat 500.

Why do some people think they need a people carrier when they have one or two children?