Technical 2.8JTD injector light at 1000rpm

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Technical 2.8JTD injector light at 1000rpm

Dave Russell

New member
Feb 28, 2020
Hey Everyone, this is my first post.

We have a 2001 ducato 230 2.8JTD with a P0148 error code, it seems to error above 1000rpm and turn the injector light on but once back at idle it turns off and the error goes away.The van seems to drive ok without any issues and to start the problem solving weve replaced the fuel filter, Could this be a faulty fuel rail sensor?

Hey Everyone, this is my first post.

We have a 2001 ducato 230 2.8JTD with a P0148 error code, it seems to error above 1000rpm and turn the injector light on but once back at idle it turns off and the error goes away.The van seems to drive ok without any issues and to start the problem solving weve replaced the fuel filter, Could this be a faulty fuel rail sensor?

I have a 2006 x244 Ducato with 2.8 JTD engine.
...having my own get van running issue...

It sounds like this happens under load and not at idle.

You may have an issue when at driving revs.
Back to basics.

How does the engine run at higher revs?
How is the fuel economy?
Any change?

How did you get the code?
What diag are you running?

This sounds like you can trigger the code just by revving to 3000 rpm for say 5 minutes.
This should give you time to capture the issue with car diags?
It drives well throughout the rev range and doesnt seem to have any loss of power,Fuel usage is normal.Ive got the free version of multiecuscan which im learning my way around.

Heres a link to a video i shot of it.
Hey Everyone, this is my first post.

We have a 2001 ducato 230 2.8JTD with a P0148 error code, it seems to error above 1000rpm and turn the injector light on but once back at idle it turns off and the error goes away.The van seems to drive ok without any issues and to start the problem solving weve replaced the fuel filter, Could this be a faulty fuel rail sensor?


Hi. :)

What code is being stored?
That will point in the general direction of the issue

Reading data from ECU will help further

Hey Charlie,

Im getting a P0148 code when reading the ecu,guessing its to do with the fuel rail pressure sensor at this stage so looking up how to test that its working properly, from what I can see its 3 pins ( Gnd, V+ , sensor ) will figure out the order of them when i pop the multimeter on the pins tomorrow but unsure of the values i should be getting off the sensor pin.

As I couldnt find anyone with a similar issue going through the forum im going to try document it as best as I can here.

So tested the fuel rail sensor with a multimeter as well as monitoring it in multiecuscan ,seems be working as I can see the voltage change on one of the pins when the engine revs up with the meter and it seems to be showing readings in multiecuscan though im not sure if they are correct (idles at 280bar apparently) .Will attach some screenshots tomorrow.

Sensor is least lightly culprit. P0148 is 90% likely a bad injector. Do a leak off test. If leak off test looks OK regulator would be next suspect. You can graph the rail pressure vs demanded oressure. You'll probably see them diverge as rpm increases.
Thanks for the tip Corcai, Im getting ready to do a leak off test , have recorded a few drives with the diag connected and the fuel pressure and desired fuel pressure are pretty much the same so does that mean the regulator is ok?
Heres a screenshot of the fuel pressures.


  • Ducato fuel pressure 8.JPG
    Ducato fuel pressure 8.JPG
    183.4 KB · Views: 119
It drives well throughout the rev range and doesnt seem to have any loss of power,Fuel usage is normal.Ive got the free version of multiecuscan which im learning my way around.

Heres a link to a video i shot of it.
Hi Dave.

I have the 2.8 JTD engine and recently troubleshooted issues with my engine with MES.

I think I have video of MES with engine running for a base line of a working engine.

I will check the videos. Might help you if it is still an issue?

Are you in Oz?
Given the symptoms, the age of the vehicle, and the fact that it's a 2.8JTD, it would be worthwhile eliminating the well-documented "short wiring loom to No 4 injector" issue.

I experienced this in a 2002 JTD, and the loom was replaced under warranty. The symptoms are generally that the EML illuminates under load.

The vehicles were built with a loom not really long enough to reach No 4, and eventually engine movement would result in, at best, a bad contact, at worst a broken wire (working intermittently, usually at rest or low load).

I don't want to raise hopes, but it is an easy thing to check and then temporarily fix, a permanent fix is a bit more messy. It's worth eliminating, at least.

The forum is sprinkled with references to it. A search will find some, but here's one below:

Yes I had this same problem in my 2005 244 2.8JTD Motorhome when on the other side of Australia - still 4,000km from home!! Local Fiat agent at Geraldton had it for a week, charged $4,000 for a new set of injectors and said "all fixed". Unfortunately not so! All the way back to Queensland it kept happening - EML light would come on, error shows, turn off for a few hours or fiddle with injector wiring and it would go away. Eventually got home 5 weeks later very stressed and worried. Spent $10 for new injector plug and cut the old No4 plug off and soldered on a new one. Problem gone! Done 20,000km since and no more issues. Definitely suspect too short wiring to No 4 injector! Bad connection will bring on light but often still runs fine as reconnects itself but keeps error so EML can remain on. Then next time worse connection as it moves around and runs on 3 injectors for a bit (had to do over 200km like that flat out at 80kph). Fiddle with wires and all works fine again..... Hard to detect but cheap to fix.