Technical 2.0 20v to 2.4 20v

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Technical 2.0 20v to 2.4 20v

Oct 2, 2003
Cheadle, Staffordshire
Sorry if this is a regularly asked question but I did a quick search and couldn't find much on it.

How related is the 2.0 20v engine from the bravo HGT/155 to the 2.4 20v from the Stilo Abarth?

I'm under the impression that they are from the same family, if not pretty much the same bar the extra capacity. Would it be a fairly straight forward conversion or not? Would the 2.4 mate up to the manual HGT/155 box or would I need to source a later manual Stilo engine and box? How about the ECU? Would the 2.4 run ok off of the 2.0 ECU or would the stilo ECU or aftermarket ECU be needed?
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Not that interested in doing a 20vt conversion. 20vt is a well documented conversion and has been tried and tested but a lot of work that would most likely require a donor car etc.

I am more interested in a straight block swap. An engine that will bolt in with minimal fuss or modifications and give a nice power gain (in this case, around 20hp).
I think you should research the reliability of the 2.4 20v turbo. From what ive heard they have problems with crank shafts and main bearings.

You might need a aftermarket ECU because the stilo ECU uses CAN bus, perhaps you can get away with a remaped 2.0 20v ECU but I really dont know.
Turbo? I'm talking about the 170hp N/A 2.4 20v engine from the Stilo Abarth.

So the Stilo has Can-Bus but does that actually affect the running of the engine? Could I use the majority of the components and manifolds etc from the 2.0 and just swap the block from the 2.4? Maybe even use the 2.0 head? Surely this would run from the 2.0 ECU provided that the engines are actually that similar.
Not that interested in doing a 20vt conversion. 20vt is a well documented conversion and has been tried and tested but a lot of work that would most likely require a donor car etc.

I am more interested in a straight block swap. An engine that will bolt in with minimal fuss or modifications and give a nice power gain (in this case, around 20hp).

how much does a 2.4 engine cost compared to a 2.0 20vt?, seeing as only really the stilo abarth was released with it in the uk. insurance might even be just as much if not more, and fuel consumption may even be higher.

on the plus side you "may" be able to keep engine management the same if you can have your ecu chipped/mapped for the 2.4, though can't imagine it being a straight ecu swap.

:eek: just seen the 0-100kph of a stilo abarth, 8.5 seconds. same as a marea 2.0 20v! how the hell did they manage that? the Marea is 10kg heavier! though could just be unreliable information...
The reason the whole idea has come about is a local scrappie is breaking a Stilo Abarth and I enquired about the engine. They don't want a lot for it (around £300) and it got me thinking.

A 20vt engine maybe cheaper and give more gains but in reality, I would need a donor car and the conversion would be far more involving and take much longer than what I am hoping would be involved in a 2.0 to 2.4 swap.

The Stilo 0-60 times are slow generally because the car is heavier and is also mated to an auto transmission. An option for manual came in later.
The reason the whole idea has come about is a local scrappie is breaking a Stilo Abarth and I enquired about the engine. They don't want a lot for it (around £300) and it got me thinking.

A 20vt engine maybe cheaper and give more gains but in reality, I would need a donor car and the conversion would be far more involving and take much longer than what I am hoping would be involved in a 2.0 to 2.4 swap.

The Stilo 0-60 times are slow generally because the car is heavier and is also mated to an auto transmission. An option for manual came in later.

ahhh right if you got one going might be worthwhile looking into it, make the driving even smoother can see why you're considering it now. what you need to find out is how the engine management differs, whether the fuel injection system/inlet manifold are particularly different.

as for the comparison, the details i had were for both 5 speed manuals, and as said a marea is 10kg heavier, so gearing more likely the main reason...

might be worth posting in the stilo section, i think they tend to keep themselves to themselves lol.
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i think you have to bore the 2.0 20v block slightly and fit the pistons/crank from a 2.4 20v to get what your after.

if memory serves me right its because the 2.4 block is taller and wont fit under the bonnet.

i would advise you have a read about 2.4 conversions on the fiat coupe forum, it should give you a good idea of what needs to be done, obviously you can ignore fitting forged pistons etc but check they use the same size as the stilo.

Take a look at the structure of the block. (Deck height, engine mount position, etc)

It depends if Fiat deviated much from the Bravo 20V block for installation in the Stilo and in that respects its one of those conversion where you'll find out as you go along!

I too have thought about it and I'd like to do it at some point but with throttle bodies on the 5-cylinder. :D