
Panda (Classic) 1988 4x4 Sisley


As promised here are a few pictures of my Sisley I picked up yesterday




I'm going to give it a good clean and check over tomorrow but I had to have a play with the 4WD in our field first :D
Well I'm still plodding away at this, spending most of my weekends prepping bodywork. I thought I was getting somewhere until I starting poking at the boot floor seams in the rear arch and realised they were worse than I thought:( Drivers side is totally shot and the Passenger side needs a small section repairing. Should hopefully get them sorted tomorrow so will post a few photos then.
Managed to get the passenger side sorted today, not enough time to make a start on the drivers side though. Pretty pleased with what I ended up with anyway, wont even know its there once it has been painted:)

This is what the passenger side was like:

How it ended up, I cut out the inner arch section oversize so I could get access to repair the edge of the boot floor.

The driver side looks like this:( I will be cutting the entire top inner arch section off, repairing the edge of the boot floor where neccessary and then I will make up a new section of inner arch. Need to remove the fuel tank and filler pipes first though.

Well all the welding is finally done:woot: Inner rear arches are now solid as a rock and the rear of the drivers side sill is sorted properly, I repaired it when I first started welding and was never really happy with how it turned out so I redid it, good job as the inner sill have a couple of small holes in it which I didn't know about until I cut the outer off.

I need to refit the fuel tank so it can move under its own steam and then itll be off to my work where the final filling work, priming and painting will be done:)
a tip for the dodgy bonnet, the two rubber bungs in each front corner, they screw up and down, scrw them up a turn or two and then shut the bonnet, when you open it they forsce it up cos they get compressed when it's down, then it pings up good.

Luckily I've got long arms and can pull the bonnet release and lift the edge of the bonnet enough to dissengage it from the catch.


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After 7 months of the Sisley sitting idle, today I fetched it home to get the final prep work done so it is ready to be painted. I have a couple of areas to re-prime and a final rub down, and then it can go grey again:D.

The doors, bonnet and tailgate are also now in primer and just need a final rub down aswell, these will be done after the car, that way I can fit them as soon as they are done to minimise the chance of damage.

I haven't taken any photos apart from this one

Its the first time I've had all 4 of my vehicles together, you can tell which one does all the hard work, the Pandas get a nice easy life in comparison:p