Technical 1242 16V conversion help!!

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Technical 1242 16V conversion help!!


New member
Jun 13, 2010
Hi guys, to cut a very long story short, i have a seicento 1242 16v, bought of cov69 who built the car, anyway within a week of getting it home a number of problems occured. water and oil leeks, staling and over heating problems, so decided it was time for a rebuild,

Since then ive stripped the old engine right down to the bare block, have pretty big plans for that engine (throttle boddies, head work ect ect) how ever this will no doubt take some time and even more cash, so yesterday i went to my local scrappies and took the full engine, box and loom out ov a mk1 punto, again a 1242 16v, just to fire in the car until my other engine is finished.

so me and and my mate steve (clock34) started fitting the new engine yesterday after stripping and rebuilding it, a few problems occured but nothing major untill tonight, so after re-assembling everything, filling the oil and water up, the car fired up first time, only to have sheered the altenator belt off within about 3 seconds, at first it was catching on the engine mount, so after getting the grinder out and taking quite a bit off, it seemed to have stopped it, until we fired it up for the third time and it done exactly the same thing, we then found out it was also catching at the top of the altenator on the actual car, weve tried spacing inbetween the engine mount with washers and this does give the clearence, but doesn't feel safe.

any suggestions guys????? the reason everything worked with the previous engine was that, the other 1 was none powersteerig, therefore the crank pulley and altenator is different, and does work, but the powersteering version i have bought yesterday, the altenator pulley sticks out further to match the crank pulley, and catches.

But if i swap the crank pulley over the crank sensor is a mile out?? and after a day spent stripping and rebuilding this engine with new gaskets, timing belt head gasket, ect, theres no way im stripping it back down to swap the oil pump over?

some body must have ran this set up and got it to work. any information and advice is realy apriciated,
Thanks Angelo.:)
Think Toger had a similar problem.

I think he just spaced the mount out, but am sure he'll come and confirm.

I'll heard from clock34 about the quality of this built i was really disappointed! Hope you get it sorted soon!

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Hi guys, and thanks, i dont think it did have air con but it did have fluid powersteering??

Hi Ming, thanks mate, we'll get you an engine sorted soon mate, im off next week so we'll get it up to you then.(y)
Ok the plan for tomorrow angelo.

Use 65amp alternator spaced out with a washer to match the powersteering crank pully thingy with the tdc sensor on it. also space the engine mount out a tad and bolt it up with a new mount on the chassis i have here...

Will grab a new engine mount bolt and mount and grind it down nice. bolt it togeather and from what i can guess everything will be fine...

atleast the engine is running ;-)
Sounds good mate as long as the altenator spaced out is at the right angle? should be ok. lol c what tomorrow brings, of to bed mate thanks again for all your help! honestly to take the engine out with me in the pissing rain is 1 thing but to spend a full day from 10 till 10 plodding on! thats dedication! ledgend mate see you tomorrow:).
lol no worries. shame the engine didnt just work when you got it the amount you payed for it... but thats life. been looking at plans tonight and pretty sure we can get everything sorted tomorrow and go for a drive..

this engine is also idling at 2000rpm atm.. only ran for 3 min max... im guessing it will drop down once
a... its warm
b.... its learned

am i right in thinking this? and if it doesnt i need to look for vacums.
So the 65 amp alternator came out of the sei right ?


i think so mate.

the bottom pully has the tdc marking things away from the engine and the belt runs right next to it...

the matching punto alternator and bottom pully are opposite it sticks out further and the belt sits furter away from the engine...

soooooo im guessing your saying just use the sei one then aye..

problem was that it sits way to far back on the block and the angle means the belt gets caught on the teeth on the pas pully. (which we have to use as the tdc sensor sits right next to the block not as far out as on the sei pully.

other option is to grind the hoop off the tdc sensor sits in and make a plate to mount the sensor further out and just use the sei alternator and bottom pully. tbh i think this is what im going to try as the other seems more work than just making a little plate.
did change it yeh and no. sack all that bull**** locking stuff lmfao. just marked it up before hand with a marker and put it back... it runs absolouptly fine so it obviously worked. just shreads alternator belts atm but due to the above problem/.
that is pretty much exactly what i sugested above. glad im thinking straight even at 1:24am. i definatly am going to give it ago tomororw. thinking of spacing both the alt and the mount.. using the sei alt as it has a smaller pully on it and wont hit on the chasais as the punto one isdoing atm...

ill let you all know how its going.
My alternator was out by 5mm as I used the Sei alt and crank/alt pulley. I had to space the alternator over by 5mm towards the chassis leg and grind the mount to clear, 500 miles on (touchwood) belt is still in perfect condition.

I went through 4 in 30miles before hand :D.

Cov put that together in a weekend and had to replace several sensors and got it running fine, but he had some problems with the feul timing. It wasn't perfect, but he couldn't afford to get it trigger tested at the time as he had several cars that needed to be sorted at the same time. I didn't have a strobe either to test feuling. That was all that was causing the cut out.

Orginal plan was for him to keep the sei but finances wouldn't allow (n).

Thanks for all the advice guys, and thanks todger, going to give that ago now and see how it goes, just hope once i have that altenator on (spaced out) it wil line up with the bottom pulley ok, as i would rather not change the pulley and alter the crank sensor. Thanks:)