Technical 100hp: EOBD Light On

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Technical 100hp: EOBD Light On

Jul 14, 2009
The EOBD light on my 100hp came on the other day, along with a "check engine" warning message. Up to this point it has been running fine, even with the light on it starts ok and soon settles into a nice steady idle (I haven't driven it since the light first appeared so don't know it there's any issues with hesitency, flat spots etc).

I've had a quick search and it doesn't seem to be a common fault. The only other reference to a 100hp points to the coil packs, but I don't have the same symptoms.

Anybody had and similar issues? Luckly the car is (just!) within it's 3yr warranty so it's off to Fiat on Monday. As an aside, the dealers have to be the worse side of owning a Fiat! My local Circus;) couldn't fit me for 3 weeks!
My car is almost a year old and this light has come on two times IIRC. It went away when I restarted the engine. I'm assuming that there isn't really anything wrong. If I remember I might ask about it at the first service.

Mine does it with about the same frequency and also knocks sport mode off at the same time. I just put sport mode back on and carry on driving. Next time it starts it's off.
Well it's been on the machine. It logged the fault as a faulty coil pack, but it only happend briefly which lead the mechanic to suspect something else. It was infact caused by a duff spark plug creating a slight misfire on no4 cylinder. The light has gone and it's passed it's MOT too so I'm happy!
Well it's been on the machine. It logged the fault as a faulty coil pack, but it only happend briefly which lead the mechanic to suspect something else. It was infact caused by a duff spark plug creating a slight misfire on no4 cylinder. The light has gone and it's passed it's MOT too so I'm happy!

So was code 'generic misfire on cylinder 4' or 'coil pack' as they're two different fault (n)
In December [I think!], the engine management light/message came on, although the car ran as normal [approx. 56k miles]. It turned out to be an oxygen sensor which was replaced under warranty.