Multiple Website Hosting / Starting your own hosting company

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Multiple Website Hosting / Starting your own hosting company

Mar 15, 2002
Does anyone need *multiple* websites hosted, or want to start their own hosting company?

A new Windows 2003 server has recently arrived, so 7 reseller accounts are now available - You can add up to 125 sites, sharing 4 Gig of diskspace and 45 Gig of data transfer a month.

The whole thing runs off the HELM control panel, so you can easily automate domain / user creation and link it in with many payment providers.

Basically, automate a complete hosting company in about 20 minutes!!

I haven't put this out to the general public yet (probably this weekend) - but if anyone here wants one, you can have a 10% (and a bit) discount - £21 a month instead of the £23.50 it will go public for.

Why so cheap? This box is purely to build up a larger customer base for the new year, so running at a very low margin - thus this offer is not to be repeated.

If you're still reading, then you will probably want to know the following - you also get: 50 mySQL databases, use of a Shared SSL cert, Password Protected Folders, 500 Email accounts, Backup DNS provided on a seperate server.

There is more, but it will just get too long - so questions below, or PM's if you want to know more.

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