Why people mod their cars - help needed.

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Why people mod their cars - help needed.

Dec 13, 2009
Rochester, Kent

I am at 6th form, im doing an Extended Project, with my IT Diploma course. This means that i can do a project about everything and anything i want, as long as there is either a solid product at the end, or an opinion / statement with an explanation to back it up.
Originally i was going to use a spare engine and rebuild it into a tuned version, and document the whole way. however, i realised that this would not be cost eficient. so, i have decided to do my project on the world of car modification.

I am trying to gather opinions on why people modify their cars, so if anyone would like to give me some sort of input that would be much appreciated.

I also want to gather information on the different styling types (VIP, Euro, Rat, etc) so if anyone could possibly come up with a list of all the different styles, i can start gathering information on them?
your help is much appreciated.

First of all good luck on your Project. I am in the middle of slowly modding my car, and the reason that i am doing it is to make it more unique to me.
Most cars are standard and have no real uniqueness to them and think most do it so they enjoy the driving experience a bit more, as most take a lot of pride in their cars.
I looked around a lot and found pictures of other peoples cars and took elements of those and will be changing mine.
I have a long list though!! :D

By the way nice to meet someone near where I grew up (Chatham)

Good luck again and look forward to hearing other peoples resonses.:slayer:


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We mod our cars to be different, stand out, be unique, to personalise, to improve, to make faster, to make more economical, to look better, to handle better, be safer, be more fun to drive.

A car is like an accessory to some, or an extension of themselves, that's why we like to do it! That and we just like fiddling with cars and engines!

Had an idea of how I wanted my car to look in my head. Was possible without too much work.

And, I thoroughly enjoyed doing it all myself.
I modified my car because I wanted to learn about cars, and considering cars are mass produced and a Cinq isn't exactly designed with performance in mind - there are many ways to 'optimise' the design and get some more lols out of the car.

So I do it for the challenge, the reward and the lols :)
I would say/add to previous comments, that we Mod our cars because they are mass produced. Not everyone likes everything about the car that was designed, so changing little bits makes it more of a car than an automobile (like that advert, 'make a house a home'). It gives the owner pride in what they have achieved. It personalises the car. Makes it different. Unique. It's done for excitement, pleasure, a hobby.

When you buy a house, every one in the street is bound to be the same or similar, so you change the plants, the furniture, the colour, the way you enter it, the way it functions. This makes it yours.

That's my little emotional speech over, now **** off!
That's my little emotional speech over, now **** off!

Wow you're special (y)

Here's a special cookie just for you ;)

personally i do mods because i like the look of it or in some cases make things better for example ICE

Mrs jip0 is doing Extended project aswell haha
I modify my Fiat because I'm poor and want to pretend I actualy own something that's good and fast. Also I have a small ***** so I think driving a bad boy car with my sounds playing compensates for that.

Ok the above is not true (no honestly) but I don't think you could make a project on this subject without exploring why average Joe thinks we do it.

Ok now why do I do it. Urm well I like to have a personalised car. I'm in a certain way an artist and love to design things. I'm also fairly eccentric on the inside although it doesn't all ways show on the out. It's not just cars but I like to use objects and things to pervey a personality that I'm too afraid show people. It's pretty obvious that I'm going to modify my car.

I am a music fanatic and nothing gives me a buzz more than a great install whilst I'm driving.

I don't think there is a lot more that I can say.

First of all good luck on your Project. I am in the middle of slowly modding my car, and the reason that i am doing it is to make it more unique to me.
Most cars are standard and have no real uniqueness to them and think most do it so they enjoy the driving experience a bit more, as most take a lot of pride in their cars.
I looked around a lot and found pictures of other peoples cars and took elements of those and will be changing mine.
I have a long list though!! :D

By the way nice to meet someone near where I grew up (Chatham)

Good luck again and look forward to hearing other peoples resonses.:slayer:


because its broke is my reason
I think for the most part it is expressing individuality and pride.

People who don't do it could be down to confidence, that they can't do it. Some just don't want to, and maybe some can't afford too.

I hope more answer so that you can get more information.

I will add it to the Punto section to see if anyone answer you.
I’ve started doing bits of mods to my car for several reasons;

· Boredom
· Uniqueness
· Knowledge

Before I started doing any mods, I had limited experience of the mechanical side of the car (even though I have a Degree in Car Design)

Through doing bits and pieces yourself, you gain a lot of knowledge and pride, thus this allows you to help out others by offering guides and advice.

It also acts as a great distraction from the doom and gloom of the economy, lack of work, and the disastrous start to the premiership by Liverpool, by going out to the car and just getting lost in your work, this could be anything from cleaning up the rocker cover to painting bits of interior trim.

Lastly is the uniqueness, knowing that you've made your mark on your car, made it different to others, seeing other models without the "new" bits that you’ve done - e.g.: colour coded wing mirrors on a basic model.

Plus it means that all that time spent watching every episode of wheeler dealers was useful!

Good luck with the project!