ALERT - Just updated the backend, let me know if something stop working

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ALERT - Just updated the backend, let me know if something stop working

Mar 15, 2002
Just upgraded to major new revision of the back end software on here.

In theory, nothing should have changed for you guys and it should all be exactly the same.

However, there is a slight chance something might have broken - so - if you notice something is now not quite right, please post on here and let me know.

Cheers! (y)
Probably the reason I was getting"can't connect to forum" error messages earlier using the mobile app. All seems fine now though.
Part of the upgrade also involved setting up a bounce handler for invalid email addresses.

Now, if the system recognises an invalid email address on an account, the account will go back into revalidation stage and require an updated one to be input.

I'm not sure it will really affect any frequent users, so far it's mainly long gone members that are being caught (birthday messages!)
Just had a period of about 30 mins when the system wouldn't recognise me. It asked me to log in (surprised me as I stay permanently logged in). I did and was told to wait until re-directed... got sent to the screen a non-member sees when visiting except I couldn't enter any of the sub-forums. Regardless of the URL shown, all I got was that main screen with no access to any sub-forum. Logging in again didn't work. Tried a few times over that half hour period. Thing is, others were able to post replies during that time so it only affected some of us (or maybe just me).
Just had a period of about 30 mins when the system wouldn't recognise me. It asked me to log in (surprised me as I stay permanently logged in). I did and was told to wait until re-directed... got sent to the screen a non-member sees when visiting except I couldn't enter any of the sub-forums. Regardless of the URL shown, all I got was that main screen with no access to any sub-forum. Logging in again didn't work. Tried a few times over that half hour period. Thing is, others were able to post replies during that time so it only affected some of us (or maybe just me).

I had the same, :)
( probably logged us out when the email was reset, )
I've been 100% since.. not concerned(y)
Hi Ben,
Looks like I'm one of the few regulars with an out of date email address.

I've updated it so hopefully I'll be able to post again soon.
Did it normally show a large tool tip with the pointer anywhere on a horizontal field to the right of each title on the, err, boards page? It's annoying.
For eg, here:

Point the cursor to the right of any of the titles and you get a tool tip containing the posts first words. It's a bit like the horrible 'full row select' in Win 7. Except here it's full row tool tip. Should it be confined to pointing just at the threads title text?
Oh I see, yes that was always like that :)