Styling Wing mirrors....advice

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Styling Wing mirrors....advice

May 21, 2006
Hello all.

Can anyone tell me are punto mk2/2b wing mirrors that are colour coded as standard so sporting/hgt for example all electric?
Do the colour coded ones have another cover fitted to them and then that gets painted? As you can buy mirror covers from fiat so presumably the electric ones are just black plastic ones found on lower models with the mirror cover?
Only want to find out as painting two covers that could clip on seems a lot easier than taking your mirrors off or taking the covers off some from a scrappy and then putting them on the standard black plastic ones!

Any input would be good!
A bit late on this one, but as far as I know, only HLX and HGT models have electric wing mirrors which also have the removal mirror cover. I own a sporting and they do not come with electric mirrors nor do they have a pop off cover as the whole unit is a complete.

Hope that helps!