Off Topic Will they fit

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Off Topic Will they fit


STOP! Hammer time!
Mar 3, 2008
The Welsh Riviera
Was having a root around in my dads shed and seeing all the various bits which are there and saw a stack of tyres and remembered that the Cromodora's that were on my old Fiat 131 should still be around somewhere.

Found them and then wondered whether they would fit on the 500. The centre bore and PCD are fine so they would bolt up. My only concern is whether they'd actually fit over the calipers as the backs of the wheels are quite flat and might not fit over the pad carrier and/or caliper itself.

Here are the wheels. A lovely set of proper Magnesium Cromodora CD5's :)


Here's what I mean about the back face of the wheels being rather flat

Proper magnesium wheels too, with the proper steel inserts and all!

I know that no one on here has done this to their car, but I am just wondering if people think they will fit. Obviously spacers could be used, but unless the spacer was fairly small, you'd be starting to go silly on the offset and gaps to arches and so on.

Looking at this guide from the Punto section (same calipers as the 1.2 500) the carriers seem to stick out a fair way and could fould the arch..... ->

Here's a photochop someone did on another forum with the same wheels, they're 13" though, so won't look as big as these do.

Why you ask? Why the hell not :p
Why not indeed! However, I'm guessing from your recent posts that your dad's shed is on the other side of the world from the Welsh Riviera? Are there issues with shipping them back?
Assuming that the 500 uses similar parts to puntos/pandas 13" might be too small to fit the diameter of the brake disc and calliper, obviously spacers would solve your other problem, but you'd want to be sure that the tyre wouldnt then foul the wheel arches if spaced out too far
Assuming that the 500 uses similar parts to puntos/pandas 13" might be too small to fit the diameter of the brake disc and calliper, obviously spacers would solve your other problem, but you'd want to be sure that the tyre wouldnt then foul the wheel arches if spaced out too far

The Panda has 13" wheels and the same brakes aside from a pad wear sensor. So the wheels should fit over the caliper
I meant to ask yesterday if someone could shop them to look like 13's. Cheers :)
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They would look good as massive wheels...I know you can make them larger but what if you were to shrink you car?
Then they would look like this.

They would look good as massive wheels...I know you can make them larger but what if you were to shrink you car?
Then they would look like this.

That's going a bit far, I reckon as 16's or 17's they would look absolutely gorgeous though.
What you really want is a set of Porsche fuch wheels.

those are cool but these are more you.
