Which Additive ?

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Which Additive ?



Hi Guys;
Any one tried the oil additives ?
I'm interested in Engine Protectors not the oil..
I'm using the CD-2 for long term protection in my 98' HGT but I'm not sure it really makes a diff.

There are lots of stuff: Restore, Slick 50 & others.

Comments now !

Start saving for a new engine if you are going to use those.

Its only good for making 200,000+ mile engines that are totally clapped out and knackered run well enough for you to flog the car to some sucker.

They bung up your oilways and the filter and generally cause problems. If your car has good oil pressure, and I'd hope yours does, just use the correct oil with nothing added.
Thanx 4 the advice

Thanx for the advice but I'm using the CD-2 engine protector about 3 years & have no complaints yet.
I wonder about its effectiveness...
See ya..
Re: Thanx 4 the advice

Just be warned, Slik50 is actually small bits of PTFE. It blocks up your engine.

I doubt these people put anything like the sort of money that the car manufacturers and oil companies put into testing.
Re: Re: Thanx 4 the advice

Oil additives are a nightmare: most oils have all sorts of different ingredients anyway, so adding something else is likely to cause problems. It's better for the engine to change your oil more regularly (and use decent oil) than to use additives.

Is this the same for additives that are suppost to clean things like the injectors, that you pour in with your petrol?

I hope not, I've been using the stuff in my diesel for yonks!

It can't claim to clean but be damaging at the same time?

Anyway, Honest John gives the stuff good reviews so it must be OK.
Re: Gasp!

Fuel additives are a slightly different story (they don't sit in the engine for ages, so are unlikely to cause much harm).

I'd be a little bit concerned for the cat, as it doesn't take much to wreck them. Obviously this isn't too much of a problem for diesels.

The only thing is, most petrols already have detergents, so you don't need to add any more! Injector cleaner might be a reasonable idea on older cars, but I think it's probably a waste of time for most people.

I rarely see people use the aditive in Petrol cars, but because diesel is a completely different fuel (although it still comes from oil) it deposits more crap in your engine. It's just like giving your engine a constant, minor dose of liver salts...

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