Hi @
GnomeSouth, and welcome
Ians Panda & I both have historic rear tyre wear and recently replaced both front suspension arms due to MOT failure (more on
this recent thread). See also
this older thread.
Is there a clear connection? Not sure, it's a bit early to tell, we're both monitoring our tyre wear to see if it's improved.
There's enough to suggest worn components on the front will result in play that makes it almost impossible to get your tracking accurately set up. This could show up in rear tyre wear.
If front suspension arms are old, or you suspect wear in front bushes, ball joints or top mounts, I think this might be a good place to start before trying anything else.
Your problem could also be at the rear. As detailed above, there are suspicions that the rear axle might not be very accurately manufactured or installed. There is no provision for adjustment (apart from loosening the mounting bolts).
I did shim my rear hubs (more
here) to get rid of excessive tyre wear.
I could clearly see from the back of the car my left rear had much more toe-in than the right. My left tyre showed the distinctive 'feathering' on the outer shoulder consistent with too much toe-in.
What is the pattern of your tyre wear? I agree it would be good to take more measurements before adjusting anything.