Whats made you Smile today

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Whats made you Smile today

v6 stuarty said:
my boy being asked if he wanted to be properly coached for bouts from the trainer at the boxing club, says hes got the best and most naturally powerful hook in the club :)

so proud of him :)
Gotta keep his mind on track though. Once the fights start it all gets much more serious. :)
My nephews just became east of Scotland district Champ in the 52kg 12 year old class, growing into a heavyweight for sure.
Already looking forward to being a hanger-on when he goes to Vegas, in 10-15 years. :p
Venters said:
Gotta keep his mind on track though. Once the fights start it all gets much more serious. :)
My nephews just became east of Scotland district Champ in the 52kg 12 year old class, growing into a heavyweight for sure.
Already looking forward to being a hanger-on when he goes to Vegas, in 10-15 years. :p

like your style lol,
the wifes cousin just won district champ up here 2 weeks ago, scottish championships next. hes a bit older tho iirc hes 15
Getting refferd to Physio on the NHS by my Dr.
Xray showed nothing out of the ordinary (no supprise), so she's reffering me to physio as I currentlly have private physio at £30 a session.
Hope it's Crosshouse, due to the fact that it's nearer to home & I know exactly where it is in the hospital.

Got more tablets, so now my daily tablets:
Omeprazole Capsules 20mg (Anti sickness) 1 a day
Dicloflex Tablets 50mg (Anti inflammatory) 1 3times a day
Cocodamol 30/500mg Capsules (Pain Killers) 1 or 2 4times a day
Raobaxin 750mg Tablets (Musscle relaxant) 1 or 2 4times a day
As well as Ibprofen Gel
Andi_F said:
Got more tablets, so now my daily tablets:
Omeprazole Capsules 20mg (Anti sickness) 1 a day
Dicloflex Tablets 50mg (Anti inflammatory) 1 3times a day
Cocodamol 30/500mg Capsules (Pain Killers) 1 or 2 4times a day
Raobaxin 750mg Tablets (Musscle relaxant) 1 or 2 4times a day
As well as Ibprofen Gel

no wonder your ****in smiling, your spaced!!
v6 stuarty said:

Ouch but serves him right though. Reminds me of an incident from primary school days when the school bully decided to pick on the shy quiet kid. Everyone learned a lesson that day and the shy quiet kid was treated with much respect afterwards

Going back to the vid and the last bit - can't decide if the wing guy was wise or a coward. Probably the latter if he was anything like his friend
Andi_F said:
Wish I was ****in spaced.
Tablets have almost nay effect on me at the mo

Feckin' hell Andi. All those drugs and they're not having any effect? With your drug tolerance you'd make a great guinea pig for testing biochemical warfare

"Andi is showing slight signs of pain relief therefore this drug must be strong enough to wipe out the entire population of London"
Harper said:
Feckin' hell Andi. All those drugs and they're not having any effect? With your drug tolerance you'd make a great guinea pig for testing biochemical warfare

"Andi is showing slight signs of pain relief therefore this drug must be strong enough to wipe out the entire population of London"

Ha ha :laugh: :laugh: new job for me then...
Feel bit better today after having a long sleep (about 10hrs)
Andi_F said:
Ha ha :laugh: :laugh: new job for me then...
Feel bit better today after having a long sleep (about 10hrs)

It'll at least get ya outta Morrisons ;)

Can just hear you on the pissed off thread though. "They promised me decent drugs but got it wrong once again. Gavin (RN, registered nurse) gave me 500 mg when it clearly states 1500 mg on my notes. Dosy buggers don't know what they're doing so I showed them the correct notes but they argued I had the wrong ones. Found the copy of my notes they were using and it had the wrong date on it so I was right. Finally got the right drugs and feel slightly better now."
Martyn said:
New laminate going in to the kitchen tonight, thus finishing operation decorate the flat :)

Oh, and a cheque from the tax man is on it's way. Winning!

[former sales advisor hat]Putting laminate flooring in a kitchen can be ill advised. Water + MDF/chipboard core = bubbling/expanding of the compressed fibre. Obviously this only happens if you spill loads of stuff on the floor all the time but worth noting as my previous flat had fairly massive issues with that in the same room. Oddly, the rest of the flat was solid wood flooring bathroom included so never had the same problem in there of course. Cost wise, I always advised vinyl but hey ho.[/former sales advisor hat]

For me today though, I'm off to a poker night in Clydebank. A truly massive £5 buy in as well...probably for the best as haven't played in about 2 years and even then I sucked :laugh: