What's made you smile today?

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What's made you smile today?

The way i would look at it is you might be ok now but if you dont take this job then you dont know how long it might be till you get another one. Yeah it might be on low money but you can just use it to fill a gap and keep searching for a better paid job while you are working. Yeah companies may be taking the **** a bit but the majority of companys are hardly flying high at the moment, they are suffering from this credit crunch as much as everyone else so they are going to lower wages as they might need a position filling but they arent gonna risk there company by offering high wages especially when there are so many people out there competing for jobs. I mean who knows they might employ you then after a few months give you a pay rise to closer to what you were on before.
thats why I am going to see what comes from the interview. I think they are mostly interested in me becuase they need someone asap and I have no notice to give :p

The one thing that is making me desperate to get a job is that my debts are scheduled to be paid off (bar car) in september but with me being out of a job my payments have been brought right down so looking like it might be christmas if i dont get a wriggle on
Probolt... good customer service. I had previously ordered a bolt kit to replace the bolts on the bikes fairings. the kit didn't have enough bolts. i emailed them to say i was disappointed that the kit wasn't big enough and the website said it was enough tro change the entire set. They're now sending some of FOC:)
the fact I just got stuck on the floor behind my bed :eek:

painting :rolleyes: :D