What's made you smile today?

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What's made you smile today?

You know if they could be competent and not actively callous that would be a win.

At this point Darth Vader would be preferable to the current government I bet he could get the trains to run on time...
The tories have run the country down by preventing investment, austerity never ended.
The tories have run the country down by preventing investment, austerity never ended.

If you go back many years on here you will find me predicting this exact end to the Tories on this thread or grumpy.

The moment they got a massive majority under Johnson they were over because the man always was absolutely incapable of anything except PR.

However I pity anyone who has to pick up the pieces...
If you go back many years on here you will find me predicting this exact end to the Tories on this thread or grumpy.

The moment they got a massive majority under Johnson they were over because the man always was absolutely incapable of anything except PR.

However I pity anyone who has to pick up the pieces...
I imagine it'll be a labour landslide then the tories will turn to in-fighting and destroy themselves from within. I mean Liz Truss and Boris Johnson both want to come back as leader of the tories, what a joke that'd be.
whoever gets in, it's basically, 'out of the frying pan, into the fire' If labour get in, the unions will rule the roost, and any non unionist will suffer, ie, the old and those not in a union to 'flex their muscles for their members' and threaten this, that, and the other. Labour are the unions glove puppets
If the tories get back in, the 'corporate businesses' will squeeze everyone else to make their big profits, and bonuses, and trample on anyone who disagree.
The old, elderly, will be the ones left out by whoever wins, that's for certain.
I imagine it'll be a labour landslide then the tories will turn to in-fighting and destroy themselves from within. I mean Liz Truss and Boris Johnson both want to come back as leader of the tories, what a joke that'd be.
It kinda doesn't matter though is the thing, they've knackered the country so hard that Starmers tory light policies are unlikely to do much you'd notice. But we'll see...

Although them at least the being less overt about looking after their mates would be nice.
It kinda doesn't matter though is the thing, they've knackered the country so hard that Starmers tory light policies are unlikely to do much you'd notice. But we'll see...

Although them at least the being less overt about looking after their mates would be nice.
During his announcement Rishi got soaked in the rain and he was somewhat drowned out by the song by D:REAM , "Things can only get better". That just about summed him up.
During his announcement Rishi got soaked in the rain and he was somewhat drowned out by the song by D:REAM , "Things can only get better". That just about summed him up.

And yet he's been the most competent prime minister for 14 years.

Given every other prime minister left the country worse off at the time they exited off than before they started...at least he's started at rock bottom and not drilled even further into the ground.

Other than him being unelected obviously...as was his predecessor.
And yet he's been the most competent prime minister for 14 years.

Given every other prime minister left the country worse off at the time they exited off than before they started...at least he's started at rock bottom and not drilled even further into the ground.

Other than him being unelected obviously...as was his predecessor.
Many people voted for Brexit to reduce immigration, and yet Rishi increased immigration to record levels. That's legal immigration - Rishi chose to increase immigration and let in over a million people in just two years. I have no issue with those people wanting a better life for themselves, I have issue with a government that pretends to be tough on immigration then allows record legal immigration.
If you said the opposite of everything ever promised by Boris, Brexit and the Conservatives is what has occurred you'd not be far wrong. Some might say that was always inevitable...but hey I'm from somewhere with both a Marx and Engels street and a village known as little Moscow so perhaps my view is partisan.

Much is made of immigration, given shortages of unskilled labour and the falling birthday rate it's unlikely to cause us many issues long term. There have been immigrants for centuries...there will continue to be immigration.

It's just a handy drum to bang for them as it's racism adjacent so will always play well with part of the vote that hears what they want to hear within statements.

Sending asylum seekers to Africa...a colonial era gesture at its finest but all about headlines not about results. But it was championed by Johnson so exactly what you'd expect.
If you said the opposite of everything ever promised by Boris, Brexit and the Conservatives is what has occurred you'd not be far wrong. Some might say that was always inevitable...but hey I'm from somewhere with both a Marx and Engels street and a village known as little Moscow so perhaps my view is partisan.

Much is made of immigration, given shortages of unskilled labour and the falling birthday rate it's unlikely to cause us many issues long term. There have been immigrants for centuries...there will continue to be immigration.

It's just a handy drum to bang for them as it's racism adjacent so will always play well with part of the vote that hears what they want to hear within statements.

Sending asylum seekers to Africa...a colonial era gesture at its finest but all about headlines not about results. But it was championed by Johnson so exactly what you'd expect.
I don't want asylum seekers sent to Africa, that is cruel and wrong. What Rishi did was pump in legal immigrants to prevent house prices falling during the recession, because many tory voters are house owners. The knock on effect is clogged up public services and housing. And increased competition for low skilled work.

Anyway, Starmer came on the BBC and it wasn't long before I had to put him on mute LOL.
I don't want asylum seekers sent to Africa, that is cruel and wrong. What Rishi did was pump in legal immigrants to prevent house prices falling during the recession, because many tory voters are house owners. The knock on effect is clogged up public services and housing. And increased competition for low skilled work.

Anyway, Starmer came on the BBC and it wasn't long before I had to put him on mute LOL.

Or alternatively the top 2 could actually be the result of large housing companies land banking rather than building houses...and the inevitable effect of removal of money from public services.

There's always been competition for low skilled work...half my family came over from northern Ireland where they worked in shipyards...and the other half worked in the mines.

Also if you want English people to do the work you have to pay more...as they tend to cost more which puts prices up. A lot of low skilled occupations have people shortages at the moment rather than beating applicants off with a stick.

Me being me it all feels like Boris Johnsons dead cat.."look at this not that" always point the finger of blame at someone who can't defend themselves..it's easier that way.
At the end of the day which ever Party gets in one thing that is true "Politicians Promises Are like Pie Crusts , Easily Broken!!!
They have no accountability for their actions, just like a puppy peeing everywhere and we have to put up with the mess.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I think for the first time i don't want to vote for any on the parties.

Anyway, what made me smile, saw a driveshaft at the side of the road at a roundabout on the way home today - did they notice???
Spent all day last Sunday sorting out more stuff at my brother's cottage. Still shed loads to do before it can be put up for sale. One of the things I wanted to get sorted out was getting his car ready to sell. When he died we did that "Tell us once" thing which informs a lot of official bodies of the death. One such is the DVLA who, apparently, remove his name as registered keeper of the vehicle and refunded the road tax to me as the named person on the notification of death. Of course I've sent the cheque to the Lawyer who is also the executor as it constitutes part of his estate. So now the car has no registered keeper and, unsurprisingly, DVLA are not "happy bunnies". They want me to register it in my name but I don't want and I don't believe I have to. Anyway, the whole problem will go away if I can get the car sold, but it's full of crud - he was an antiques dealer and auctioneer and the car is full of "stuff".

So I spent Sunday morning clearing it out and giving it a bit of a spring clean. It's a Volvo V50 but quite old with just shy of 100,000 miles on the clock. Checked all the levels and it started on the key. Runs quietly and moves under it's own power so clutch and brakes seem Ok. MOT to August so need to get my skates on. Spare wheel and all tools are there too.

About the only thing I found among the "unsaleable" auction items in the car was an electric tyre inflator and a set of cheap jump leads. I seem to remember him telling me his van - a Renault traffic - needed a new battery so he was jumping it whenever he needed to use it. I looked carefully at the Volvo dash display for warning lights as I assume he must have jumped the van from the Volvo and was very pleased to see no warning lights displaying, Phew! Then spent the rest of the day doing some more clearance work in his house. I took the jump leads and tyre inflator home with me.

Today I was sorting out the stuff now in the back of the Scala and noticed the tyre inflator is a Ring branded tool. Ring is a recognized brand so I thought I'd check it out. Oh dear, broken plug - it's the type that fits in a cigar lighter socket - Luckily I have a couple of spares in my electricals box so within a half hour I had the plug changed and the inflator "chuckling" away. Seems to work well yeah!



Notice the wee relay just to it's right in the first picture? it's one of the notorious "109" relays which can cause mayhem on VAG vehicles. That one led me a merry dance a few years ago on my Cordoba. The car would sometimes refuse to start and other times run perfectly. Completely random, no obvious reason why. When it was refusing to start my VAG-COM (now VCDS) refused to communicate with the car so I couldn't look for faults or anything. I spent best part of a week or so trying to track it down all to no avail so I called in at AVW and, with a big grin, Alan, one of the owners, said, "stick a new 109 relay in it" Apparently this relay is well known for burning it's contacts which results in it sometimes completeing the circuit and sometimes not as it is one of the main power supply relays that explains why the computer couldn't communicate - can't talk to an ECU which isn't powered up!

Then I took a look at the jump leads, which are pretty thin cables and cheap looking clamps - pretty average "cheapo" offering, like you see in markets all over.


and here they are compared to my heavy duty leads:


As I'm looking at them I found myself thinking "loads of people buy this sort of thing and many then find they don't work as well as they are expecting" So I think I feel another Guide type posting coming over me!