What to do in Oxford ?

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What to do in Oxford ?


Panda Lounge TA 2012
May 13, 2004
I find myself with a free day in Oxford on Tuesday - taking my wife there for a course.

Do I

a) wander round the shops, and spend too much money, :(
b) wander round the halls, looking at the architecture, :sleep:
c) take tubs of T-cut and polish with me, to while away the time ..., or
d) any suggestions ? :idea:

PS Has the Oxford University term finished for Easter yet ? ;)
cardiff ulysse said:
I find myself with a free day in Oxford on Tuesday - taking my wife there for a course.

Do I

a) wander round the shops, and spend too much money, :(
b) wander round the halls, looking at the architecture, :sleep:
c) take tubs of T-cut and polish with me, to while away the time ..., or
d) any suggestions ? :idea:

PS Has the Oxford University term finished for Easter yet ? ;)

Hello fellow Cardiffian of to Oxford for the Day well let me think :idea:

[a] I could wander with you and help you spend your money :D

Architecture is OK and can be very interesting ;)

[c]If you fancy a bit of polishing your welcome to do mine (y)

[d]Suggest you find the best Auto accessory shops and kit out the bus while your there EG- 18" chromes /induction kit/bucket seats/a bit of grafix/etc and Ime sure after the course the mrs woudnt even notice its been done :p :D
Don't bother with galleries on mondays they're all shut :( Only place that would let me in was christ's college collection.

Edit: if you're going on a tuesday go to the ashmolean :D
There is loads to do in Oxford.You can walk around the Radcliffe Gardens.Or look at the architecture.There are some excellent book shops,& cafés around St Jiles.Or go look in the Museums.There is a really good second hand record shop near the bus station as well.
ah the memories of oxford... everywhere is a disabled space and far tooo many push bikes lol... and that beautiful parking fine i got makes me wanna go back! :mad:
Thanks for all your suggestions. (y)

PNL, you wouldn't want to travel to Oxford in my car - you'd think you were stuck in a slow motion movie, compared to your Stilo. Still, I like to think of it as the same kind of slow motion used by the Bionic Man. :D

Unfortunately my wife doesn't drive (yet), and doesn't fancy learning the Ulysse. Maybe we'll be adding a Punto to the family soon, to get her mobile...:)

Helz, do they allow Fiats in Oxford, or is just bikes and 'posh' cars ? :rolleyes:

Got a good list of options now, including a couple of museums and bookshops and a good look around, and a brief visit to the VW dealer to look at Golfs and Sharans (for work :bang:). The Oxford Story and the punting look good for a return visit with the kids.

And if all else fails, I'll take my unicycle, find a secluded place and practise falling off it. :eek:
Take the Unicycle to the town square and earn a few bob doing demo's for the tourists:D
Andy Panda said:
Take the Unicycle to the town square and earn a few bob doing demo's for the tourists:D

I think I'd need to be able to ride it first! It's new and so far I'm pretty hopeless. That's why I could do with practise time.

I'd earn more by hiring it out for people to have a go themselves ;)
....maybe you shouldn't....
Do what I did last time I was there.

Park a 14 seater minibus in a pay and display bay on a street

pay for said pay and display ticket

Go into town and spend copious amounts of time and cash in HMV.

Have a drink in a pub with everyone

get back to said bus to find you have a parking ticket as apparently you can only park up to a 12 seater in their bays

carry on the journey severly fcuked off!
cardiff ulysse said:
Thanks for all your suggestions. (y)

PNL, you wouldn't want to travel to Oxford in my car - you'd think you were stuck in a slow motion movie, compared to your Stilo. Still, I like to think of it as the same kind of slow motion used by the Bionic Man. :D

Unfortunately my wife doesn't drive (yet), and doesn't fancy learning the Ulysse. Maybe we'll be adding a Punto to the family soon, to get her mobile...:)

Helz, do they allow Fiats in Oxford, or is just bikes and 'posh' cars ? :rolleyes:

Got a good list of options now, including a couple of museums and bookshops and a good look around, and a brief visit to the VW dealer to look at Golfs and Sharans (for work :bang:). The Oxford Story and the punting look good for a return visit with the kids.

And if all else fails, I'll take my unicycle, find a secluded place and practise falling off it. :eek:

Nooooooooooooo Chris please not a punto :p Stilo is the way to go :D
go on a pub crawl(y) lol! cinema? puntings wicked my mate fell in :D when your there eat in Meltz which is when you walk up from the westgate center down road on your left which goes towards the cinema on glocester (sp) green and its on your left it is the nicest food place in the universe and if you dont go your missing out! (y)