so, if you handbrakes off some pikey will come along and push you car away lol
burtz think he's worried about it siezing up.
personally i wouldn't worry about that too much, i'd be more concerned about it being secure etc, also try to have as little petrol in it as possible as its not good leaving petrol in a tank for yonks. i remember when we left my mums for around two months smoke everywhere on the first start up lol but it was an old renault megane with 130k miles on the clock
i'd leave the tank empty, hand brake off and left in gear. my partner works off-shore and he's away for a month at a time occasionally and he leaves his car as i just said. but then he's got an 08 BMW 3 series, not sure if it's the same for fiats...
Worth servicing the engine new oil & filter especially if it's done a few miles since last oil change you get acid build up in the oil which can corrode the bearings if engine not run for months. Battery will probably go flat worth disconnecting earth cable or invest in a battery conditioner - a small intelligent charger that keeps the battery charge topped up without over cooking it. You can get fuel preservative to add to the tank stops it going stale also if you run the engine after adding the preservative it stops the build up of white crud in the injector(s) if they dry out.
My old 8v had been sat on the drive for a year and just needed a battery charge to get going, seemed fine on the drive to its service/MOT. Left it in gear with handbrake off (sunk in some stones a bit so it wouldn't move)