General What am I missing

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General What am I missing

Harry Carry

Dec 10, 2020
Ok, so having removed all the interior to get the carpet out after a dreaded milk spill I have moved to the boot. On lifting the carpeted base I see the foam thing which has an air pump, tyre weld can, tow hook and two screwdrivers. I seem to be missing something that looks like a wrench? There is a vacant cut out for it. Can anyone tell me what’s missing? Thanks again, I’m slowing getting to know this little panda. By the time I’m finished I’ll know every inch of it!!:)
Ok, so having removed all the interior to get the carpet out after a dreaded milk spill I have moved to the boot. On lifting the carpeted base I see the foam thing which has an air pump, tyre weld can, tow hook and two screwdrivers. I seem to be missing something that looks like a wrench? There is a vacant cut out for it. Can anyone tell me what’s missing? Thanks again, I’m slowing getting to know this little panda. By the time I’m finished I’ll know every inch of it!!:)
If you don't have a spare wheel but have the gunge you don't get the wheel bolt wrench.